金针菇中棒曲霉素检测的必要性及棒曲霉素的常规检测方法摘 要:棒曲霉素(patulin )又名展青霉素,是由曲霉和青霉等见食源性真菌所产生的一种次级代谢产物。
关键词:金针菇;营养价值;棒曲霉素;毒性;检测方法Abstract:Patulin, also known as penicillin, is by Aspergillus and Penicillium and other food-borne fungi produced by a secondary metabolite. Flammulina taste delicious, nutrient-rich, special taste, and now the market demand for mushroom is very large, not only the darling of peoples dining table, but also drinks snack health care products research hot. Flammulina in the process of logistics and transport easily affected by pathogens and produce patulin that do harm to the human body. The purpose of this paper is to explore the medicinal value and edible value of Flammulina velutipes, to explain the necessity of detecting the content of patulin in Flammulina velutipes, and to elucidate the common methods of detection of patulin. To explore the rapid and effective method for the detection of lettuce in Flammulina velutipes Method for data preparation.Key Words:Flammulina;Nutritional value; Pseudomonasin; Toxicity; Detection method正文1.金针菇的营养成分金针菇 [ Flammulina velutipes(Curt .:Fr .)Sing .]又名冬菇、朴菇、构菌、青杠菌、毛柄金钱菌,隶属担子菌亚门(Basidiomycotina),层菌纲(Hymenomycetes),伞菌目(Agaricales),口蘑科(Tricholomataceae),金钱菌属(Flammulina)[1]。
金针菇菌盖滑嫩、菌柄细长脆嫩,形美,味鲜,是世界上著名的食药两用菌和观赏菌[2],具有较高的营养价值和药用价值,有广阔的开发前景 。
每100g新鲜金针菇含有热量109 KJ、蛋白质2.4g、脂肪 0.4g、碳水化合物为6.0g、膳食纤维 2.7g;以干品计,金针菇的蛋白质含量为8.39%~11.80%,由18种氨基酸组成,人体必需的氨基酸高达44%~50%,其中异亮氨酸和谷氨酸含量最高,而赖氨酸和精氨酸含量也分别达到5%~6%和0.45%~0.55%[3]。