
 2023-08-28 17:19:36

The Histogram of Requirements - Quantification Tool for Tourism Services. Study on Quality Catering Services

Simona Cristina Martin, Sorin Stanciu, Monica Ocnean

Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agricultural Management, Calea Aradului, 119, Timisoara, Romania


Naturally, each company intends to increase its services quality, which is one of the most important ways to differentiate themselves from competitors.

In services field, the definition of quality concept is a very difficult task, in comparison with the production of material goods because in the production of material goods we have rigorous available parameters, measurable, quantifiable, in order to express and evaluate the level of quality that not can be adapted to the measure quality services.

Besides the price, the quality is the second element that provides competitive services. Service quality approach is relatively new (after 1990), but it led to profound changes in service delivery way and allowed overcoming traditional schemes used in this area. Quality has become in many cases a critical objective for organizations, which deal, in terms of management. If the price of productivity, flexibility, quality were, once, opposed concepts, which are mutually exclusive, that could not be pursued simultaneously today, the way how addressed quality is, ensures also the achievement of other objectives.

Although the service is a reality, when it is analysed, it is used as an image that includes only certain discrete aspects, represented by its features.

Keywords: services; quality; customer satisfaction; histogram of requirements;


Travel services are, in the current structure, the most important group with a share of 63.6%. However, they have seen a decreasing trend in both domestic and international tourism.

It is obvious that tourism services and analysis of the causes of their deterioration is a priority of the utmost importance to make this industry a 'hospitality' in a cost effective resource for the economy. It is necessary to create a 'cult of quality' at all levels, from managers to the last employee in the public catering establishments. This involves cutting out some practices proven inadequate in these units, a reformation of manners a lasting process. But the quality of the

* Corresponding author: Simona Cristina Martin, simi_con@yahoo.it

leaves to be desired, not only because of the conditions which shall be evaluated and certified at the time of their classification but especially by the attitude of the staff.

Materials and methods

To remove the importance of histograms in determining the quality of services in public, feeding units were applied questionnaires in the restaurant 'Students Tavern' from Timișoara.

Results and discussion

In the conception of French authors Tocquer and Langlois [1], the fairest is to define the quality of service as the spread between the customers expectations in terms of quality and service perception after the use of the service. It is the

ratio between the benefits actually obtained when using the service given and expected benefits. One can speak of quality when the service is consistent with expectations or exceed these expectations. If the level of quality offered to meet consumer expectations, he will be pleased and will become a regular client of the providing unit. Otherwise, he is looking for other providers, units will be won from the competition [1].

In evaluating the quality of services by the customers, of particular importance turn out to be the impressions (eg, a market research report, written in neat, surprises in a positive way the research beneficiary in assessing the content) and circumstances in which the services are performed (within 'normal' conditions, tourists seeking accommodation, appreciate features such as price, comfort, cleanliness, etc., but when the tourists are in difficulty, in an isolated area, they will require only a refuge). [2]

Due to competition, quality has become a key element in the countrys effort to maintain the competitiveness of European tourism.

Application of the technology of quality tourist services sector is difficult, because the quality of service provided cannot be separated from the unit that produces it, because otherwise you would not be able to ensure that a service is supplied correctly every day. [3]

In designing a system of quality, the first step is setting the standards product/service depending on the needs of the application. Thats why you need to design systems that can guarantee the fulfilment of quality standards.

For the analysis, evaluation, improvement and quality control, adopted a series of techniques and methodologies that make up an information system.

Currently using seven techniques or procedures that are called quality tools: histograms, charts, cause-effect, Pareto diagrams, diagram of correlation, regression analysis, and control charts. Histograms are used, as a rule, mathematical statistics for plotting the distributions of values, with the objective of determining the quality of a manufacturing process, process capability study, improving quality and eliminate defects, etc.

Histograms are used in two situations:

-When comparing a process with the prescribed specification when it is necessary to analyse the distribution, distribution and then comparing them with the prescribed specification;

-When comparing two or more processes, when issues are followed: the shape, the size distribution range of variation, the volume of goods outside the technical specification, tolerance, position in relation to histogram limits, etc.

We have chosen to promote the process


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