作者:Guy Bosmansa,Marian J.Bakermans-Kranenburgb,Bram Vervlietc,Martine W.F.T.Verheesa,b, Marinus H.van IJzendoornd,e
单位:aClinical Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium;bClinical Child and Family Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; cLaboratory for Biological Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium;dDepartment of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands;eSchool of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK
1. 介绍
依恋发展,或发展儿童对父母的支持和保护在困境中的信任(Bowlby, 1969),被认为是儿童发展最重要的领域之一(Dixon, 2016)。儿童在危难中寻求父母支持的能力解释了发展成果的巨大差异,如身心健康、学业成功和社会能力(Cassidy and Shaver, 2016)。尽管依恋理论对发展研究的影响,但令人惊讶的是,对于依恋如何发展却知之甚少。鲍尔比(1969年)指出了在痛苦期间父母敏感性的经验,随着时间的推移,这些经历会内化为内部工作模型(IWMs)。在依恋理论中,IWM 是这些护理体验的认知表现,指导未来的人际行为和亲密关系。虽然研究支持支持育儿和依恋发展之间的联系(Verhage et al., 2016),解释这些经验如何内化的机制仍然是依恋理论中的一个黑匣子(Thompson, 2016)。在目前的贡献中,我们接受依恋理论的说法,即依恋发育是嵌入到每个人类新生儿基因构成中的一个全物种现象。我们认为,在婴儿与保护父母建立依恋关系的这种生物准备中,根据学习理论的古典和可操作条件原则,在父母支持方面,至少部分地获得了个人对父母支持的信任差异。
2. 依恋理论:核心概念简介
儿童将早期育儿经验内化的想法是依恋理论的基石,因为它允许鲍尔比(1969年)解释为什么与护理有关的经历对以后的发展有长期的影响。研究证实,护理体验质量的差异与儿童依恋发育的差异有关(Verhage et al., 2016)。在应对痛苦时不断经历更支持性养育子女的儿童往往更加牢固地依恋在一起。他们更信任父母的支持,他们更可能寻求支持,在危难期间(e.g., Cassidy, 2016; Dujardin et al., 2016)。通过与支持父母的同步,安全的孩子了解到他们可以对世界采取行动并取得能力。他们灵活地在照顾者和环境之间部署他们的注意力,在(身体或精神)接近父母和探索(社会和身体)环境(Bosmans et al., 2019a; Main, 2000)。
如果与父母的经验不一致地同步,使高和低水平的支持交替,孩子表现出较少的信任(Ainsworth et al., 1978)。他们开始把注意力更多地集中在父母身上,导致更加矛盾或全神贯注的依恋。如果需要保护、支持或保证,则对父母的可用性存在不信任。这反映在一个持久的需要,或感觉,靠近父母(Cassidy, 2016)。如果孩子在压力和痛苦时期遇到父母总是不支持,他们往往将注意力从父母转移到环境中,以抑制他们消极情绪的表达,避免父母对这些情绪麻木不仁的反应。当他们需要保护或支持时,他们对父母的可用性缺乏信任,导致避免或解除依恋(Cassidy, 2016)。根据鲍尔比的说法,依恋安全方面的个体差异在婴儿期早期就开始发展,特别是在头五年,但之后在较小程度上仍有变化,并且对'从摇篮到坟墓'的认知和社会情感发展产生持久的影响(Bowlby, 1969, p. 208)。
应当指出,尽管安全、耐药和避免依恋等概念具有规范性内涵(originally labeled with the neutral letters B, C, and A respectively, see Ainsworth et al., 1978),但这些注意力和行为策略是适应特定的护理利基。它们在短期内导致功能配合,从包容性健身的角度来看可能是最佳的(McGlothlin et al., 2014)。例如,对啮齿动物和人类的研究表明,暴露在不安全的环境下会增强后代对威胁性刺激的记忆力,增强它们对它们的反应认知能力(Plate et al., 2018; Rifkin-Graboi et al., 2018; Thomas et al., 2016)。因此,发展不安全依恋关系的儿童长大后,可能能够更好地在威胁世界中保护自己,保护他们的生育(e.g., Simpson and Belsky, 2016)。然而,这些适应可能会增加长期风险,包括由于长期困扰(e.g., Diamond and Hicks, 2004)导致的(精神)健康问题升高。
3. 为什么要提出依恋的学习理论?
虽然IWM是依恋理论的核心概念之一,但在当代依恋研究中被认为是理所当然的,并受到精辟的批判性评估(e.g. Thompson, 2016)。我们将解释为什么依恋理论传统上反对学习理论来解释依恋及其发展。最后,我们将证明,有合理的论据来整合这两种理论。
3.1. 内部工作模型
在一篇开创性的论文中,Main等人(1985年)通过将焦点从婴儿行为模式转移到成人认知表现水平来扩展IWMs理论。他们认为,附件IWM反映了依恋相关体验的记忆,这些经历是根据一般事件计划组织的。假定从孩子对父母的行为方式和父母对孩子行为意图的反应来构建经验。IWM应该主要存在于意识之外,并倾向于随着时间的推移保持稳定,包括在依恋发育前的语言阶段存储的记忆(e.g., Guskjolen et al., 2018)。重要的是,IWMs 将指导未来的行为和对与父母的新互动的评估。此外,IWM被认为在访问记忆、关注和解释新颖互动方面影响(无意识地)处理与附件有关的信息。这些信息处理偏见本应为IWM的稳定服务(Bowlby, 1969; Dykas and Cassidy, 2011)。然而,鲍尔比(1969年)和美因等人(1985年)认为,强烈的人际交往经历,特别是与重要的其他人,可以改变整个童年和以后的IWM。
尽管鲍尔比和梅因等人的工作很重要,但许多研究人员仍然与IWM结构(e.g., Pietromonaco and Barrett, 2000; Rutter et al., 2014; Thompson, 2016; Waters et al., 2005)。结构及其发展的描述仍然是隐喻性的,这使得研究IWM及其发展背后的机制变得困难(e.g., Thompson, 2016)。此外,与IWM结构相关的理论假设无法充分解释研究结果。首先,支持性育儿只是部分解释了依恋发展中的个体差异(Verhage et al., 2016),目前还不清楚从父母支持到IWM的转移是如何发生的。其次,依恋似乎在一段时间内不如预期稳定(e.g., Groh et al., 2014; Pinquart et al., 2013),目前还不清楚哪些因素和机制解释了附件不稳定(e.g., Sroufe et al., 2005)。依恋学习理论可能有助于解释理论和数据之间这种不协调的部分原因。
3.2. 依恋理论与学习理论
3.3. 依恋理论和学习理论能否结合?
尽管依恋理论和学习理论之间存在明显的对立,但重要的是要强调,鲍尔比仍然认为依恋行为系统是在学习经验的背景下形成和阐述的(Bowlby, 1961)。在未发表的信件中,他甚至表达了对班杜拉等社会学习理论家工作的热情1.由于他自己不愿意依靠学习理论来解释依恋的发展,他大多把话题放在一边。然而,他偶尔承认,学习过程有助于依恋系统的元素,如婴儿社会微笑的发展(Bowlby, 1969)。他还表示,他期望古典调理对依恋系统运作的贡献将是其成年后继续养育方式的部分原因(Bowlby, 1973)。
此外,研究表明需要将依恋和学习理论结合起来。首先,艾因斯沃思和贝尔(1972年)关于哭声的研究的设计和发现受到著名操作学研究人员(e.g., Parsley and Rabinowitz, 1975; Gewirtz and Boyd, 1977)。针对这一批评,附件研究人员哈伯德和范伊森多恩(1987年)设计了一项研究,解决了所提出的方法和统计问题。正如学习理论家所预测的,哈伯德和范伊森多恩(1987年)发现了相反的效果:随着时间的推移,如果父母在痛苦时迅速为孩子提供支持,孩子会哭得更多。这些发现表明,诸如哭声等依恋行为的发展受到学习过程的影响。
其次,沃特斯和沃特斯(2006年)发现证据表明,安全的IWM至少部分地包括一个认知模式或有关护理的脚本:安全的基本脚本(SBS)。这个词指的是鲍尔比(1969年)将父母描述为一个安全的基础,当孩子在探索环境时遇到痛苦时,它提供支持。开发 SBS 的个人期望在感到苦恼时可以寻求支持,父母在响应护理投标时提供情感和实际支持,并且这种支持将有助于他们回到正轨。因为认知脚本的发展是古典和可操作的调理过程的结果(e.g., Bouton, 2000; Coster and Alstroslash;m, 2001), 这进一步支持了学习理论至少可以解释依恋安全性个体间差异的一部分的观点。
最后,在其他领域,儿童发展依恋和学习理论日益融合。例如,新生儿的模仿行为,被认为与发展依恋关系有关,一直被认为是一种先天能力(Meltzoff and Moore, 1992)。然而,最近的研究对这一理论表示怀疑,指出了塑造模仿行为的学习过程(Oostenbroek et al., 2016)。同样,育儿研究传统上以学习理论为指导(Patterson and Stouthamer-Loeber, 1984)。然而,Dadds和Tully(2019年)认为,提高育儿质量需要理解学习原则与孩子与父母发展依恋关系之间的权衡(另见Juffer等人,2017年)。综合起来,这表明制定依恋学习理论符合当代对儿童发展的研究和思考。
4. 依恋学习理论lt;
作者:Guy Bosmansa,Marian J.Bakermans-Kranenburgb,Bram Vervlietc,Martine W.F.T.Verheesa,b, Marinus H.van IJzendoornd,e
单位:aClinical Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium;bClinical Child and Family Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; cLaboratory for Biological Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium;dDepartment of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands;eSchool of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK
外文文献出处:Neuroscience amp; Biobehavioral Reviews.Volume 113, June 2020, Pages 287-298
A learning theory of attachment: Unraveling the black box of attachment development
Attachment is an inborn behavioral system that is biologically driven and essential for survival. During child development, individual differences in (in)secure attachment emerge. The development of different attachment behaviors has been traditionally explained as a process during which experiences with (lack of) responsive and supportive care are internalized into working models of attachment. However, this idea has been criticized for being vague and even untestable. With the aim of unraveling this black box, we propose to integrate evidence from conditioning research with attachment theory to formulate a Learning Theory of Attachment. In this review, we explain how the development of individual differences in attachment security at least partly follows the principles of classical and operant conditioning. We combine observed associations between attachment and neurocognitive and endocrinological (cortisol, oxytocin, and dopamine) processes with insights in conditioning dynamics to explain the development of attachment. This may contribute to the explanation of empirical observations in attachment research that are insufficiently accounted for by traditional attachment theory.
Attachment; Development; Conditioning; Cortisol; Dopamine; Oxytocin; Contingency; State; Trait; Information processing; Adaptation; Secure base script
1. Introduction
Attachment development, or the development of childrenrsquo;s trust in parents support and protection during distress (Bowlby, 1969), is considered one of the most important areas of child development (Dixon, 2016). Childrens capacity to seek parental support during distress explains a substantial amount of variation in developmental outcomes like mental and physical health, academic success, and social competence (Cassidy and Shaver, 2016). In spite of the impact of attachment theory on developmental research, surprisingly little is known about how attachment develops. Bowlby (1969) pointed to experiences with parental sensitivity during distress that, over time, become internalized into Internal Working Models (IWMs). In attachment theory, IWMs are cognitive representations of these caregiving experiences that guide future interpersonal behavior and intimate relationships. Although research supports the link between supportive parenting and attachment development (Verhage et al., 2016), the mechanism explaining how these experiences are internalized remains a black box in attachment theory (Thompson, 2016). In the current contribution, we accept attachment theorys claim that attachment development is a species-wide phenomenon embedded in the genetic make-up of every human newborn. We argue that within this biological preparedness of infants to establish attachment relationships with protective parents, individual differences in trust in parental support are acquired, at least partly, according to learning theorys principles of classical and operant conditioning.
We begin by outlining the basics tenets of attachment theory. Then we discuss why a new theory of attachment development is necessary and whether attachment theory and learning theory can be integrated. Third, we introduce the Learning Theory of Attachment. Finally, we will demonstrate how this theory sets a promising new research agenda that may reveal new insights into the development of individual differences in attachment over time.
2. Attachment theory: A brief introduction of core concepts
The idea that children internalize early parenting experiences in IWMs is a cornerstone of attachment theory because it allowed Bowlby (1969) to explain why care-related experiences have long-lasting effects on later development. Research confirms that differences in the quality of caregiving experiences are linked to differences in childrenrsquo;s attachment development (Verhage et al., 2016). Children who consistently experience more supportive parenting in response to distress tend to become more securely attached. They have more trust in the availability of parental support and they more likely seek support during distress (e.g., Cassidy, 2016; Dujardin et al., 2016). Through synchrony with supportive parents, secure children learn that they can act upon the world and achieve competence. They flexibly deploy their attention between caregiver and the environment, striking a balance between (physical or mental) proximity to the parent and exploration of the (social and physical) environment (Bosmans et al., 2019a; Main, 2000).
If experiences with parents are inconsistently synchronized so that high and low levels of support alternate, children show l
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