液相传输法合成超导InxSn1-xTe(0.04 < x < 0.1)大型单晶外文翻译资料

 2023-03-14 18:45:27



液相传输法合成超导InxSn1-xTe(0.04 lt; x lt; 0.1)大型单晶

作者:Peng Zhu 1,2, Yongkai Li 1,2, Xiaohui Yang 3,4, Ying Yang 1,2, Xin Zhang 1,2, Xiao Lin 3,4, Fan Yang 5, Xiang Li 1,2and Zhiwei Wang 1,2,*




摘要:在这项工作中,我们引入了一种新的晶体生长技术,即液相传输法,来合成拓扑超导体候选材料InxSn1-xTe(IST)的单晶。成功地合成了几毫米大小的晶体,并通过X射线衍射、扫描电镜等方法对晶体进行了表征。通过X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜与能量色散光谱以及电子传输测量。晶格参数随着铟含量的增加而单调地下降,而空穴密度则相反地变化。观察到临界温度(Tc)在1.6K左右的超导性,空穴密度估计在数量级1020 cm-3以下. 对于In0.04Sn0.96Te和In0.06Sn0.96Te来说,上临界场(Bc2)估计为0.68T和0.71T。结果表明,我们的晶体质量与化学气相法生长的晶体相当,但尺寸相对较大。我们的工作提供了一种生长IST大单晶的新方法,可以帮助解决需要大晶体系统中剩余的未决问题,如超导配对机制、非常规超导性等。



新的拓扑量子态,拓扑绝缘体(TIs)和拓扑晶体绝缘体(TCIs)由于其新颖的无间隙表面态,分别受到时间反转对称性和晶体镜像对称性的保护而引起人们的极大关注[1-5]。这些无间隙表面态源于体能带的非零拓扑不变性,在自旋电子学、无耗散传输、光电检测等方面有很大的应用潜力。 与TIs类似,一种名为拓扑超导体(TSC)的姊妹拓扑态也引起了巨大的关注,因为它被认为是寻找马约拉纳费米子(MF)的良好平台[6]。当被限制在零维度时,马约拉纳费米子会发展成服从非阿贝尔统计的马约拉纳零模式。这样的准粒子被认为有可能应用于拓扑量子计算[7,8]。有两种有效的方法来实现拓扑超导性,包括接近效应[8,9]和掺入TIs或TCIs。例如,在掺杂AxBi2Se3(A=Cu[10,11],Sr[12,13]和Nb[14])的TIs和NxSn1-xTe(N=In[15,16]和Ag[17])的TCIs中已经成功观察到超导性。此外,在所有掺杂的Bi2Se3家族中都观察到了非常规的超导特性,如与拓扑学特征有关的向列超导性,这表明Bi2Se3的C3旋转对称性被打破[11,18-20]。然而,掺杂的AxBi2Se3并不适合用于开发器件,因为这些TSC候选材料的超导性在空气暴露、机械力和加热下非常脆弱。据我们所知,还没有基于这些材料制造的器件的报道。相比之下,IST中的超导性更强,更有希望用于器件的制造和进一步的微观研究。

SnTe结晶为NaCl型结构,空间群为Fm 3m,由于存在一个Sn空位,超导性在0.3K时显现出来[15]。临界温度Tc可以通过掺杂铟来提高。 据报道,当xge;0.04时,IST的Tc随着x的增加而逐渐增加,结构仍为NaCl型[21,22]。 同时,当x高于0.1时,载流子类型从p型变为n型[23,24]。 在0.37K时,在用蒸气传输法生长的单晶的(001)平面上检测到一个零偏压电导峰(ZBCP)[16]。ZBCP来自于表面安德烈夫束缚态(ABSs),这是TSCs所青睐的,表明IST可能是TSCs的候选材料。通过角度分辨光发射光谱(ARPES)的测量,证实了在x=0.045的IST单晶和x=0.4的薄膜中都存在狄拉克类表面态[25,26]。另一方面,核磁共振(NMR)测量表明了多晶In0.04Sn0.96 Te中的自旋小体超导性,这违反了现有的马约拉纳费米子的表述,即需要自旋三重态[27]。 然而,很明显,多晶样品比单晶显示出更多的无序性,杂质有利于更高的铟掺杂样品。此外,在0.38le;xle;0.45时根据基于mu;s自旋旋转或弛豫(mu;SR)测量的磁穿透深度的温度相关性,用改良的布里奇曼方法生长的IST晶体,被称为拓扑学上的琐碎的单隙s波超导体[28]。不幸的是,具有较低铟含量的大型IST晶体是罕见的。因此,为了明确IST是否具有拓扑性,希望有较低的铟掺量的大单晶。

在本文中,我们报告了用液体传输方法生长IST(0.04 lt; x lt; 0.1)单晶的过程。根据X射线衍射(XRD)、能量色散X射线光谱(EDS)分析和电子传输测量,我们认为不同含量的铟被成功地掺杂到SnTe中,而敏锐的SC转换表明所获得的晶体具有很高的质量。 我们期望通过这种方法生长的IST单晶能够帮助回答该系统中剩余的开放问题。

2. 实验方法

液态传输生长法[29]被成功引入用来合成IST单晶。为了获得高质量的单晶,对起始材料(铟(Alfa Aesar,99.99%)、锡(Alfa Aesar,99.999%)和碲(Alfa Aesar,99.999%)的元素拍摄)进行了预处理,以去除其表面可能存在的氧化层,如其他地方所述[30,31] 。具体来说,将上述起始材料分别密封在一个石英管(Jinghui, Lianyungang, Jiangsu, China)中,用0.8 atm(大气压)的氢气,然后将它们在比熔点低50K的温度下退火10小时。之后,制备总重量为8.0克,标称成分为InxSn1-xTe(x=0.04、0.06、0.08和0.1)的预处理起始材料的混合物,并将其密封在抽真空的石英管(长度为12厘米,内径为8毫米,基压低于2times;10-4帕)中。然后,将石英管水平放置在温度梯度为15K的马弗炉(TMX-4-12,FNS电炉,中国北京)中。该炉在10小时内被加热到1123K,并保持48小时的间歇性摇动,以确保熔体(或前体)的均匀性。之后,以2K/h的速度冷却到823K,最后关闭熔炉后冷却到室温。

该结构通过使用Bruker D8 Advance X(Bruker,Bruker。德国)在Cu-Kalpha;辐射下进行XRD表征。获得的单晶的成分通过使用EDS(JSM-7500F, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan)进行了分析。此外,还进行了元素图谱分析,以此证明IST单晶中元素的均匀分布。电阻率rho;是在牛津Teslatron PT低温箱(牛津仪器公司,牛津,英国)中用四端法测量的,此牛津Teslatron PT低温箱配备了He-3探头(牛津仪器公司,牛津,英国),温度低至300 mK。银线银线通过室温固化的银浆附着在样品上,形成欧姆接触。Keitheley 6221和Keitheley 2182作为电流供应商和电压表供应商。

3. 结果和讨论


图 1. (a) 液体传输生长方法的示意图。(b)生长后的石英安瓿的光学图像。(c) InxSn1-xTe单晶的X射线衍射(XRD)图案,x=0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 和 0.1,插图显示了未生长的单晶的光学图像(左)和(002)峰的放大图(右)

图1b是石英管生长后的光学图像。一些孤立的IST单晶,在图1c的插图(左)中清晰地显示出来,最大的尺寸为4 times; 4 times; 2 mm3 。XRD测量被用来检查IST单晶的结构,结果显示在图1c。 很明显,所有晶体都只在2theta;处观察到28.4和58.4左右的两个衍射峰,根据JCPDS(粉末衍射标准联合委员会)卡片(编号98-060-0813),这很容易被SnTe的NaCl型立方结构所索引,表明了我们晶体的单相。我们可以清楚地看到,(002)峰随着x的增加而转移到高角度,如图1c的插图(右)所示,这意味着由于铟被有效地掺入SnTe,a的晶格参数被降低。在表1中列出了所有晶体的a晶格参数值。类似的结果在参考文献[22,23]中也有报道。

表 1. InxSn1-xTe晶体的实际成分、晶格参数、Tc、Hc2和载流子密度,注意,实际成分已归一化为Te含量


图 2. (a) In0.04Sn0.96Te单晶的能量色散X射线(EDS)光谱结果,证实了In、Sn和Te元素的存在。(b) In0.04Sn0.96Te单晶的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像。(c-e) In0.04Sn0.96Te单晶的EDS元素图谱,显示In、Sn和Te的分布。



图3显示了在不同的磁场下,从3.5K到0.3K的温度范围内rho;xx的温度相关性。我们可以清楚地看到,两种晶体都表现出了超导性,而且在零磁场下,x=0.04和0.06晶体的Tc分别为1.57 K和1.63 K,这与Erickson等人[15]的报


Synthesis of Superconducting InxSn1minus;xTe (0.04 lt; x lt; 0.1) Large Single Crystal by Liquid Transport Method

Peng Zhu 1,2, Yongkai Li 1,2, Xiaohui Yang 3,4, Ying Yang 1,2, Xin Zhang 1,2, Xiao Lin 3,4, Fan Yang 5, Xiang Li 1,2and Zhiwei Wang 1,2,*

Abstract: In this work, a new crystal growth technique called the liquid transport method was introduced to synthesize single crystals of a topological superconductor candidate, InxSn1minus;xTe (IST). Crystals with the size of several millimeters were successfully synthesized, and were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy as well as electronic transport measurements. Lattice parameters decreased monotonously with the increase of indium content while hole density varied in reverse. Superconductivity with the critical temperature (Tc) around 1.6 K were observed, and the hole densities were estimated to be in the order of 1020 cmminus;3 . The upper critical fields (Bc2) were estimated to be 0.68 T and 0.71 T for In0.04Sn0.96Te and In0.06Sn0.94Te, respectively. The results indicated that the quality of our crystals is comparable to that grown by the chemical vapor transport method, but with a relatively larger size. Our work provides a new method to grow large single crystals of IST and could help to solve the remaining open questions in a system that needs large crystals, such as a superconducting pairing mechanism, unconventional superconductivity, and so on.

Keywords: InxSn1minus;xTe; liquid transport growth; single crystal; superconductivity

1. Introduction

New topological quantum states, topological insulators (TIs) and topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) have been attracting great attention because of their novel gapless surface states which are protected by time-reversal symmetry and crystalline mirror symmetry [1–5], respectively. These gapless surface states originate from a non-zero topological invariant of the bulk energy bands, and have great potential applications in spintronics, dissipationless transport, photoelectric detection, and so on. Similar to TIs, a sister topological state called topological superconductor (TSC) has also attracted enormous attention since it is considered to be a good platform for pursuing Majorana fermion (MF) [6]. When confined to zero-dimension, MFs develop into Majorana zero modes which obey non-Abelian statistics. Such quasiparticles are proposed to have potential applications in topological quantum computing [7,8]. There are two effective ways to realize topological superconductivity, including the proximity effect [8,9] and doping TIs or TCIs. For example, superconductivity has been successfully observed in doped AxBi2Se3 (A = Cu [10,11],Sr [12,13] and Nb [14]) for TIs and NxSn1minus;xTe (N = In [15,16] and Ag [17]) for TCIs. Furthermore, unconventional superconducting properties, such as nematic superconductivity,which is related to topological features, were observed in all of the doped Bi2Se3 family,indicating that the C3 rotational symmetry of Bi2Se3 was broken [11,18–20]. However, the doped AxBi2Se3 are not suitable for developing devices because the superconductivity in these TSC candidates are very fragile against air exposure, mechanical force, and heating. To the best of our knowledge, no device fabricated based on these materials has been reported. In comparison, the superconductivity in IST is more robust and more promising for device fabrication and further MF investigation.

SnTe crystallizes in a NaCl-type structure with space group Fm 3m and superconductivity shows up at 0.3 K due to the existence of a Sn vacancy [15]. The critical temperature Tc can be enhanced by indium doping. It was reported that the Tc of IST increased gradually with increasing x when x ge; 0.04 and the structure remained NaCl-type [21,22]. Meanwhile, the carrier type changed from p-type to n-type when x is higher than 0.1 [23,24]. A zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) was detected at 0.37 K on the (001) plane of a single crystal grown by the vapor transport method [16]. The ZBCP originates from the surface Andreev bound states (ABSs) which are favored by TSCs, indicating that IST may be a candidate material for TSCs. It was confirmed that the Dirac-like surface states exist in both the IST single crystal with x = 0.045 and thin films with x = 0.4 from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurement [25,26]. On the other hand, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements illustrated the spin-singlet superconductivity in the polycrystalline In0.04Sn0.96Te which violates the existing formulation of Majorana fermions that requires spin-triplet state [27]. However, it is clear that the polycrystalline sample shows more disorder than the single crystal and impurity favors higher indium doping samples. Besides, IST crystals grown by the modified Bridgman method with 0.38 le; x le; 0.45 were reported to be a topologically trivial single-gap s-wave superconductor according to the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth based on the muon spin rotation or relaxation (micro;SR) measurements [28]. One view is that non-trivial topology may only exist in IST crystals with lower indium content [16,21]. Unfortunately, large IST crystals



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