作者:Young-Suk Shin
出处:International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
- 导言
- 通过互联网将VE环境引入科学教育
虚拟现实技术可能会在科学教育中带来巨大的好处。 它使学生能够做在物质世界中做不到的事情(例如,飞到不存在的地方。)这些技术使学生可以将基本的科学概念(例如地壳平衡,地震波等)制定为动态3D比例模型。
近年来,由于计算机系统的快速发展和互联网连接的广泛普及,远程学习近年来得到了推广。 理工科远程教育的主要限制之一是实验活动的难度。 解决这些困难的一种方法是使用在Web浏览器上运行的VE环境,而不需要动手实验。尤其是地球科学领域的许多物理现象,在通常的实验中既不容易感知也不容易测量,但它们可以在VE环境中呈现,并且可以在虚拟世界中以许多不同的视角进行观察。另外,在远程学习者的VE环境中可以实现危险、高成本和复杂的实验。因此,VE环境可用于克服物理、安全和成本方面的限制,这些限制了学校可以为实践学习的环境类型。
3. VE环境的设计
教学设计者应对学习者应具备的知识和功能有清晰的认识。 图1显示了描述VE环境设计的模型。
图1 VE环境的设计过程
探索阶段是学习者采取行动并解决自己一直好奇的问题的阶段。 在此阶段,学习者可以在进行3D VE实验中准备实验设备和进行实验的交互的过程中获得实验数据。学习者在这个阶段一定程度上解决了他们的好奇心和知识冲突。 概念引入阶段是教师安排概念,包括学习者尚未解决的问题的阶段,是解决智力冲突的阶段。 概念应用阶段是确定已学知识的阶段,也是将其应用于自然或现实生活的不同情况的阶段。
在分析了对学习内容的查询水平和概念水平之后,可以将学习内容的水平构建为常规课程(RGL-C),高级课程(ADV-C)和补习课程(RMD-C)。特别地,考虑到使用虚拟现实的教育内容的选择,主要考虑了布鲁纳[16]和实验属性的学习类型(主动表示,图标表示和符号表示)中的主动表示。 表1展示了一个学习内容的示例,并结合查询水平和概念水平下进行了分析。
表1 地球结构水平分析(高:H,平均:A,低:L)
单位 |
分股 |
主题 |
学习类型 |
水平 |
备注 |
调查 |
概念 |
h |
a |
l |
h |
a |
l |
地球结构 |
大气 |
大气《宪法》 |
概念 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
ADV-C(标志性):蒸汽和灰尘的密度方差 |
调查 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
RMD-C(符号):氧质量的测试 空气 |
大气的垂直结构 |
概念 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
ADV-C(enactive):辐射平衡 |
调查 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
ADV-C(符号):高层测量数据的分析 空气中 |
地球内部 |
地震波 |
概念 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
RMD-C(enactive):电磁波 |
调查 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
ADV-C(enactive):绘制地球的横截面图 |
地球内部 |
概念 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
RMD-C(标志性):损害 地震 |
调查 |
clubs; |
clubs; |
RMD-C(符号):地球内部结构的推断 |
最终,我们开发了 VE环境,在我们的主页上开放,包括中学生在内的任何人都可以在网上自由访问。
本研究使用VRT的Superscape 3D Wed主软件开发虚拟实验环境,这是一个多功能工具,可以创建、操纵、纹理化和动画化形状、分组和取消分组的对象,创建各种视角,从中可以查看VR世界和其它功能。 该软件是虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)编辑工具。VRML是VR的WWW标准,并且是一种类似于HTML的语言,它建立一个通用的标准,使VR易于在网上分发。 使用此软件创建的世界可以作为完全交互的环境显示在网络上上,也可以嵌入PC的2D HTML页面中。 由于文件小,它还具有能够使通信负载最小化的优点。现在简要介绍开发的VE环境。
图2 地震波的VE环境
图2显示了地球内部的地震波(P波,Swave)的虚拟实验环境。学习者选择了波和速度值,然后他们可以在3D中探索选择的每个波浪的特征。 学习者可以了解横波、纵波的特征,并直观地进行模拟实验。
图3 地球地壳平衡的VE环境
图3是地壳平衡的虚拟实验环境。 这个VE环境旨在探索漂浮在地幔上的地壳。 学习者可以通过使用鼠标按钮拖动水箱中的选块来下降,并根据3D上块的规模和密度来观察水箱中块的长度。 这个VE环境设计了一个视觉符号,以漂浮在水箱中的木块作为浮在地幔上的地壳结构的具体比喻。
图4 VE环境的辐射平衡
图4是一个虚拟实验,它测量了远离光源的每个杯子的内部温度和平衡温度的变化。 当学习者使用鼠标将装有温度计的杯子移至特定位置并打开开关时,每个杯子的温度都会升高。当然,温度的升高会随着距离的变化而变化,分别将三个杯子的颜色变成不同的颜色,如果学习者将杯子放置相同的距离并以相同的能量加热它们,学习者也可以根据升温最大的那个杯子的颜色来查看辐射能量的吸收程度。
图5 海洋运动的VE环境 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料
Virtual Experiment Environments Design for Science Education
Young Suk Shin
Division of Electronics and information Communication Engineering, Chosun University
Virtual reality technology is reported that the use of virtual reality (VR) as an educational tool can increase student interests, understanding and creative learning because of encouraging students to learn by exploring and interacting with the information on virtual environments. This paper presents the virtual experiment (VE) environments. for science education using virtual reality simulation. We developed the VE environments on the Web designed compatible to the learner levels through level analysis in the learning contents. The students can select the learning level in the exploring step of learning cycle model: regular, advanced and remedial courses according to the degree of their understanding or interest about the learning topic. The VE environments support students to learn scientific phenomena and concepts focusing on: the seismic wave, the earths crust balance, radiation balance, the movement of ocean, solar system and the control of telescope in the science field of middle school. The responses of learning on VE environments have demonstrated that the VE environments can be used as a useful methodology in science education for middle school students.
1. Introduction
Throughout the 21th century, the science education is to make a transition from an emphasis on delivering content through lectures to getting students “involved in some way in scientific inquiry, not just a hands-on experience.' In the science education, inquiry has always been difficult because the phenomena are so far out of reach - students obviously cannot visit the Sun. However, the power of the modern day computer to do desktop virtual reality and computational modeling has created a new opportunity for inquiry approaching to learning [1][2] and teaching astronomy [3].
VR is defined as a highly interactive, computer-based multimedia environment in which the user becomes the participant in a computer- generated world. A key feature of VR is real-time interactivity where the computer is able to detect user inputs and instantaneously modify the virtual world in; accordance with user interactions.
VR means an fully immersive worlds created by computers but it can be extended to semi-immersive and non-immersive(desktop) VR. In spite of the disadvantage of non-immersive VR system, the non-immersive VR systems are by far the most common in the present because it is not only cost effective but also can be used in the network environments. Furthermore, they give an additional benefit. The earth science field which is neither easy to perceive nor to measure in usual experiments can be presented on virtual experiment environments and can be viewed in many different perspectives in a virtual world. This paper presents the VE environments for the internet-based learning of earth science education in middle school and discusses the response of learning in the VE environments.
2. Bring VE environments into science education via the internet
Today there is an increasing number of educators abandoning predominantly didactic, lecture-based modes of instruction and moving towards more learner-centered models in which students are engaged in problem solving and inquiry [4]. Recently, technological advances make possible new types of learning experiences, moving from transmission models where technology functions like textbooks, films, or broadcasts to environments in which the technology functions like studios and laboratories in which students immerse themselves within interactive contexts that challenge and extend their understanding [3][5]. Many such technologies have been discussed in the literature [6][7][8][9].
One interesting technology that has much potential in which to ground learning in rich environments is virtual reality [1][9][10][11][12].
Virtual reality technology may offer strong benefits in science education. It enables students to do things that they cannot do in the physical world (ex. Fly and go to places that do not exist.) These technologies allow students to enact basic scientific concepts (e.g.,earths crust balance, seismic wave etc.) into dynamic, 3-D scale models.
Distance learning has been popularized in recent years because of the fast development of computer systems and the spreading Internet connectivity. One of the major restrictions for distance learning in science and engineering education is the difficulty of experiment activities. One way to overcome these difficulties is to use the VE environments running on a Web browser instead of requiring hands-on experiments. Especially many physical phenomena in the earth science field which are neither easy to perceive nor to measure in usual experiments can be presented in the VE environments and can be viewed in many different perspectives in the virtual world. In addition, dangerous, high cost, and complicated experiments can be realized in a VE environment for distance learners. The VE environments therefore can be used to overcome the physical, safety, and cost constraints that limit schools in the types of environments they can provide for learning-by-doing.
3. VE environments s design
The teaching designers should have the clear idea on the knowledge and function that learners should have. Fig. 1 shows a
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