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Adverse possession

Adverse possession is a method of acquiring title to real property by possession for a statutory period under certain conditions, viz: proof of non-permissive use which is actual, open and notorious, exclusive, adverse, and continuous for the statutory period.[1][Note 1] It is governed by statute[2] concerning the title to real property(land and the fixed structures built upon it). By adverse possession, title to anothers real property can be acquired without compensation, by holding the property in a manner that conflicts with the true owners rights for a specified period. For example, squatters rights are a specific form of adverse possession.

The circumstances in which adverse possession arises determine the type of title acquired by the disseisor (the one who obtains the title from the original owner), which may be fee simple title, mineral rights, or another interest in real property. Adverse possessions origins are based both in statutory actions and in common law precepts, so the details concerning adverse possession actions vary by jurisdiction. The required period of uninterrupted possession is governed by the statute of limitations. Other elements of adverse possession are judicial constructs.

Chattel property may also be adversely possessed, but owing to the vast differences between real and chattel property, the rules respecting such attempt are rather more stringent, favoring the original owner rather than the adverse possessor/disseisor; such rules find particular application respecting works of art.



See also: History of English land law

In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didnt show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force). Stemming from Roman law and its successor, the Napoleonic Code adopted as the basis of law in France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and also in part, by the Netherlands and Germany, adverse possession generally recognizes two time periods for the acquisition of property: 30 years and some lesser time period, depending on the bona fides of the possessor and the location of the parties involved.

At common law, if entitlement to possession of land was in dispute (originally only in what were known as real actions), the person claiming a right to possession was not allowed to allege that the land had come into his possession in the past (in older terminology that he had been 'put into seisin') at a time before the reign of Henry I. The law recognized a cutoff date going back into the past, before which date the law would not be interested. There was no requirement for a defendant to show any form of adverse possession. As time went on, the date was moved by statute—first to the reign of Henry II, and then to the reign of Richard I. No further changes were made of this kind. By the reign of Henry VIII the fact that there had been no changes to the cutoff date had become very inconvenient. A new approach was taken whereby the person claiming possession had to show possession of the land for a continuous period, a certain number of years (60, 50 or 30 depending on the kind of claim made) before the date of the claim. Later statutes have shortened the limitation period in most common law jurisdictions.

England and Wales

Main articles: English land law and Land Registration Act 2002

Adverse possession is one of the most contentious methods of acquiring property, albeit one that has played a huge role in the history of English land. Historically, if someone possessed land for long enough, it was thought that this in itself justified acquisition of a good title. This meant that while English land was continually conquered, pillaged, and stolen by various factions, lords or barons throughout the middle ages, those who could show they possessed land long enough would not have their title questioned.

A more modern function has been that land which is disused or neglected by an owner may be converted into anothers property if continual use is made. Squatting in England has been a way for land to be efficiently utilised


时效占有是通过占有,在一定条件下、法定期限内收购转让的不动产的方法,对于这个法定期间,它是实际的、 开放的和众人皆知的、 独家的、 不良的、连续的这样一种非许可使用的证明。它是通过关于转让的不动产(土地和在它建立固定结构)法例规管。通过时效占有,可以无偿获得另一个人的不动产所有权。通过与真正持有人相冲突的一种特别的方式,在一定的期间内持有该财产。例如, 棚户区居民的权利 是一种具体形式的时效占有。

在时效占有出现的情况里通过强夺者(他从原本的主人那里获得权利)判断所获得的权利类型,这可能是在不动产的简单的权利,矿权或者是其他利益。时效占有的起源是基于法定 行为和普通行为之间,所以关于时效占有的行为细节有不同的 管辖权。持续拥有所需要的周期是由诉讼时效规定的。时效占有的其他因素是司法的结构的规定。


罗马法时效 法律允许一个拥有除他权的人变成由法定权的财产所有人,如果原来的主人在一到两年内没有出现的话。除非这个权利来源的不合法的(偷来的或抢夺来的)。源于罗马法和其继任者, 将拿破仑法典 作为依据法律的国家,如法国、 比利时、 意大利、 卢森堡、 葡萄牙、 西班牙,受到了影响,也在一定程度上通过在荷兰和德国产生了影响,使时效占有大致上承认获得财产的两个时间段 ︰ 30 年和一些较小的时间段,取决于持有人是否是善意及当事人的所在地。

在普通法,如果土地的所有权处于纠纷中,这个人宣城他所拥有的权利是不允许去断言这个土地已经处于他掌控之中了,(在旧术语中,他曾'投入敌国') 过去在亨利三世之前一次。同时法律承认的截止日期要回到过去,对以前的日期法律不会有兴趣。关于被告人用任何形式证明时效占有式没有要求。随着时间的推移,日期受到了改变 —第一次到亨利二世,然后到理查德统治。这种形式没有再进一步的改变。 到了亨利八世,这个事实,没有发生改变截止日已经变得非常不方便。一种新的办法已经产生了,想要宣称自己对土地有占有权的人需要在宣判之前表明自己已经持续占有这个土地一些年份了(60、 50 或 30 ,根据提出的申索的类型)。后来法规已缩短大部分普通法司法管辖区的时效期限。



在英国 已成为一种高效地 利用土地的方式,特别是在经济衰退时期。在《2002 年土地登记法 》之前,如果一个人拥有土地 12 年,然后在 普通法时期, 前主人要行使权利驱逐'时效占有'是不受支持的。常见的法律理由是,在 限制行为 1623下,就像诉讼因由是 合同侵权 他们需要在限定时间内行使,这样的规定同样适用于收回土地。这促进了诉讼的终局性和索赔的确定性。 时间将开始运行当有人独家占有土地或它的一部分,并打算拥有它从而对当前主人的利益产生不利的影响。如果按照普通法他所要求提供的关于时效占有的条件是符合的话,那么12年后这个原主人将不能再宣称自己的主权。不同的规则将要代替对于未登记和登记的土地关于时效占有的时间限制。 然而,在 《2002 年土地登记法 》 发布之后,已注册的的土地时效占有变得难上加难。

未登记土地的规则仍然像以前一样。但以下 上帝抵抗军 2002年 附表 6 第 1 到 5 段显示, 10 年后时效占有人需要去登记来变成新的登记的主人。登记员会联系注册的所有权持有人,并告知他的申请。只有当两年的诉讼时效内没有人来弹劾时效占有人,这时才会发生新的登记的效力。之前,土地所有者可能仅仅因为没有意识到自己的权利或者是关注这方面的消息,他就可能失去自己的权利。这是规则,因为它表明所有者有从来没有充分重视他的土地在实际上是如何在使用的,因此前所有人并不值得拥有它。2002 年之前,时间决定一切。该规则的功能是确保有效地使用土地。

之前介绍了给登记的业主通知是有相当大的障碍,时效占有的特殊要求是相当直接。第一,根据附表 1 的第 1 和第 8 段 1980 年时效法,时效占有的开始时间是'占有'开始时。这不仅仅是一些临时或暂时的,如简单地在陆地上存储货物在一个短暂的时期。 [] 7 但是'占有'不要求实际占领。因此,在 鲍威尔 v 麦克法兰[8] 它被认为是'占有',当鲍威尔先生,从 14 岁,让他的奶牛进入麦克法兰的土地。然而,第二个要求,是需要有 拥有土地的意图。鲍威尔先生请求没有获得支持,因为只让他的牛进入到那个土地是一种模棱两可的行为 ︰ 只是后来有证据显示他意图占有,例如在地边立了告示牌、停了一辆卡车。但这事情的发生没有足够长,没有达到12 年的时间限制,麦克法兰自称已过期。第三,占有没有被认为'不利'的,如果这个人是有主人的同意。例如,在 资料编号:[148585],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word

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