中国农村初中生英语发音问题及对策探究—以赣中南地区为例 A Study on the English Pronunciation Problems of Middle School Students in Rural China and its Countermeasures—Take the Central-south Jiangxi Province for Example开题报告

 2021-11-11 20:28:23

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

research purpose:

according to englishcurriculum standards for compulsory education (2017), natural and normativepronunciation and intonation will lay a good foundation for effective communication.yet it is noticeable that compared with the counterparts in urban areas, thecurrent middle school students in rural areas have more problems anddifficulties in english pronunciation due to the shortage of high-qualityteachers, the backward teaching methods, the restricted language learningenvironment and the lack of parents’ supervision. although there is someresearch about oral english for middle school students, the study mainly aimsto explore oral english learning problems and teaching strategies based on oralcommunicative competence and teaching methodology, principally focusing onteachers rather than students. this research will shift the focus to studentsand explore english pronunciation problems of middle school students in ruralchina based on the knowledge of phonetics and the second language acquisition.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


abstract in english

abstract in chinese


3. 研究计划与安排

before 4th january: settlement of the title

before 28thfebruary: submission of the outline

before 29thapril: submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] bodorík, m. teaching english pronunciation bynon-native teachers as seen by slovak teachers[j]. journal of language and cultural education,2017, 5(3): 157-174

[2] cai, j. liu, y. research on englishpronunciation training based on intelligent speech recognition[j]. international journal of speech technology,2018,21(3): 1381-2416.

[3] counselman, d. directing attention topronunciation in the second language classroom [j]. hispania,2015, 98(1): 31-46

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