从美国价值观视角探究电影《撞车》中的种族歧视 On Racial Discrimination in the Movie Crash from the Perspective of American Values开题报告

 2021-08-14 16:12:39

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

around 50 years after the passage of the landmarkcivil rights act, racial discrimination is still alive and well inamerica.it exerts negative impacts on every aspect of american life. crash is a typicalmovie that shows multiple racial discriminations that happen inamerica.in this movie, conflicts happen among mexican american, african american, asianamerican, and middle east american. there are many scholars who discuss aboutracial discrimination. it is unsurprising that some of them mention the moviecrash.

the current discussion of racial discrimination can besummarized in two aspects.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

Here are the maincontents in this paper. First, It will discuss about American values. TheAmerican values can be traced back to when the country was founded. TheAmericaexperienced lots of events in the long history. All these events, more or less,have some influences on American Values. This paper will make it clear that whatare America Values and How America values have been changed by some significantissues or events. Second, It will analyze the racial discrimination behaviorsin the movie Crash from the perspective of American values. The movie has sometypical scene that can be explained by American values. Also the ingenioustechnique of expression of the movie plots will also be discussed in this part.Third, there will be the summary of the main ideas in this paper, and the blessingsthat the racial discrimination disappears gradually.

3. 研究计划与安排

before 20th january : settlement of the title

before20th march: submission ofthe outline

before 25th april : submission ofthe first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)




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