王尔德写作中的同性恋影响 The Influence of Homosexuality on Oscar Wildes Writing.开题报告

 2021-08-14 02:29:40

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

researches on oscar wilde have always been hotpots in thecircles of western literature. in particular, the contradiction of hisspiritual world conveyed in his works has drawn much attention. there are somemajor research orientations on his works. for instance, the analysis of thereligious archetype of the characters in the novels reveals the profoundimplications of aestheticism and oscar wilde’s religious conception. some tryto reach out for his inner emotion from the perspective of death. besides, somedig into his sustained pursuit of the beauty of art. and others claim that theycan tell pure soul from oscar wilde’s works. however, few researches are givento delve into oscar wilde’s works from a homosexual standpoint. even thoughsome scholars show the passion to explore the feasible analysis, the negativeinfluence of homosexuality on oscar wilde makes up most of the page. in myview, prejudice and biased interpretation do no good to the overall study ofoscar wilde. not only does homosexuality penetrate his works but also it is oneof the major ingredients on his creation. the existing contradiction can’t bedenied in his works. what makes it even more intricate to cognize it is thatthe existing contradiction consists in his deep mind. furthermore,homosexuality contributes a lot to the contradiction. in late victorianengland, homosexuality was forbidden in the context of ethics and legal as wellas religion. therefore, literature is comparatively an obscure way for oscarwilde to convey his homosexual tendency. the readers can explore the phases ofhomosexual development through his works. in his early works of fairy tales,the budding homosexuality has arisen with a blurry form while covered up by thetheme of ethics. initially, it went unperceived. what followed was a furthertrial. to justify homosexuality, oscar wilde elaborated the homosexualrelationship between respectable shakespeare and boys. till the publication ofthe picture of dorian gray, the public started to pay attention to the passionand sensibility that oscar wilde has held to homosexuality. he was pushed tothe eye of the storm for the first time. then, as the close of his trial, theletter de profundis , written to oscar wilde’s homosexual partner and finishedin the jail, starkly exposed his homosexual life. there are irreconcilableconflicts between being a homosexual and the existing ethical system. it is thecontradiction in his spiritual world that molds the contradictory personalityof the characters in his works. the dandy image has been shaped quite a lot byoscar wilde. it seems like oscar wilde emerges in the dandy form in his worksto fulfill the behaviors that he won’t be allowed to do in reality. although hehimself showed great enthusiasm for evil, he never lost good virtue in hisworks. take the picture of dorian gray for example, evil dorian gray piercedthe picture and died eventually. though he committed crimes because of thepursuit of the beauty, he didn't get away with ethics. oscar wilde actuallychose to stand on the side of ethics.

in general, this paper tries to interpret oscar wilde’sworks from the view of homosexuality and analyzes the effects homosexuality hasbrought on his works and spiritual world. it tends to help restorecomparatively comprehensive image of oscar wilde.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

this paper is dedicated to discuss about the influence ofhomosexuality on oscar wilde’s writing. it is composed of three parts. thefirst part is mainly about oscar wilde’s growth environment that probablycontributes to homosexuality according to freud’s concept in three essays onthe theory of sexuality; the second part will demonstrate and analyze some ofhis works that have implied homosexuality. for example, the talented painterbasil hallward, in the picture of dorian gray, showed the most manifesthomosexuality tendency. the affection can be seen even from the early openingof the novel. besides, the portrait of mr. w. h., the happy prince and othertales and de profundis will also be given further analysis; in the third part,the assessments by some scholars about the influence of homosexuality on bothoscar wilde’s personal life and literary talent shall be presented. in thatera, homosexuality was forbidden in the context of ethics and legal as well asreligion. therefore, literature is comparatively an obscure way for oscar wildeto convey his homosexual tendency. so, the era background which has depressedhis homosexuality and eventually led him to ask for a literary outlet shall beinvolved in the paper.


3. 研究计划与安排



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4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]dark, avunculate. shame, animality, and queerdevelopment in oscar wilde’s “the star child”[j]. children's literature, 2014(12).

[2]freud, sigmund. three essays on the theory ofsexuality, trans. james strachey.newyork: basic books, 1962.

[3]ghosal, sukriti. theorist underrated: oscar wilde thecritic[m].new delhi:sarup book publishers ltd, 2015.[4]janes, dominic. oscar wilde, sodomy, and mental illness in late victorianengland[j] journal of the history of sexuality, 2014(79).

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