从构词角度探讨英语新网络流行词译法 Analysis on translation of popular English internet neologism in terms of word formation开题报告

 2021-08-14 02:23:48

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

Language is regarded as a carrier of culture. The globalizaton leads to a great integration of various cultures. To enable people with different language backgrounds to communicate with each other, there is a urgent necessity of translation. Since the Internet develops fast now, it has been a considerable part of modern popular culture. Firstly the Internet merely act as a system of sharing data, texts or files, however its convenience has transformed itself into a platform of news media, social interaction, entertainment, working and business. Accordingly, a unique culture of the Internet emerges as a new form of modern culture. With the development of this culture, a large number of new English words has been created by people to express some new concepts. All of these new words and concepts can reflect the trend of foreign culture, which is important for Chinese people to understand the foreign society and to improve the communication between them. The object of this paper is to study the possible methods of translating the popular English Internet neologism in terms of word formation and provide some practical solution.In the field of translation, some scholars such as Duan Xinhe has studied on some methods like literal translation, however he only proposed the conception of translating the English Internet words and stated some simple skills. Another scholar Sang Longyang has studied the word formation of popular English Internet words in detail, and proposed some useful methods, but the explaination of translation theory given by him is not very complete and comprehensive. Sang gives some statement of the word formation of Internet English words including abbreviations, punctuations, and homophones. He also discuss the skills of translating English Internet language into Chinese. Generally speaking, some researchers have already put forward the basic concept and idea of translating Internet English words, but the study is still not adequate and systematic enough.

2. 研究的基本内容与方案

As the development of the Internet culture, a lot of new popular words have appeared in the language of English. This kind of new words are called Internet neologisms. The translation of these neologisms is important for the modern cross-cultural communication. The paper focuses on the discussion of the linguistic features of the popular English Internet words especially in terms of word formation and provide several viewpoints on the translation. Firstly, the paper will give examples of popular English Internet words and definiton of them. Through this part, a basic statement about the the English Internet culture will be given, and the role of the popular words and neologisms in this kind of culture will be introduced. Secondly, the paper will analyze their features of word formation in detail, including the common rule of the formation of these new words. Thirdly, the paper will proposes several methods of translation. In this part, the general strategy of traslation will be analyzed with a lot of examples. The paer will also compare several traditional skills in the English to Chinese translation. Finally, the paper will give the conclusion about the validity of the methods above and the development of translation skills of the neologism in the environment of Internet culture.

3. 研究计划与安排

Before 20th March: submission of the outlineBefore 25th April : submission of the first draftBefore 24th May: revision of the draftBefore 29th May: submission of the final version

4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

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