约翰·杜威与陶行知教育理论与实践的对比研究 A comparison between John Dewey andTao Xingzhi on Education Theory and Practice开题报告

 2021-08-14 02:11:53

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

asthe influential educators in the 20th century, john dewey and tao xingzhi,proposed the "education is life" and "life is education"ideological and theoretical system respectively. dewey, as the founder of theeducational philosophy of pragmatism and synthesizer, his ideas of educationhave had significant intellectual impact on the chinese education sector inhalf of the 20th century. dewey advocated education to adapt to the nature ofchildren, child-centered, against the mechanical training, emphasizing learningby doing and then put forward the "education is life." however, taoxingzhi criticized the modern "traditional education" of china andthe shortcomings of "westernized education", and he developed his owndistinctive ideas of education system life based on dewey’s rational core theory.its core is "life is education. these two theories were both“quality-oriented, which against the traditional cram methodology. although theconcept of quality-oriented education has existed in china for more than adecade, the essence of it never seems to be understood. thus it is of greatsignificance to learn from the theories and practice of the great educationistsjohn dewey and tao xingzhi.

asthe pioneer of empiricism, dewey’s educational theories played an importantrole in america, especially during the education reform in the 20c. due to theinteraction with foreign students, his theories were spread around the world.invited by his students tao xingzhi, hu shia and so on, he came to china togive speeches in 1919. attracted by the may 4th movement, dewey decided to prolonghis traveling in china. thus, he stayed in china for more than three years.when dewey left beijing, hushi wrote mr. dewey in china, which was published in“eastern maggzine and republic daily. hu shi remarked, since contacted withwestern cultural, there was no foreign scholar had such great influence as mr.dewey did. tao xingzhi learnt and modified his theories according to actualsituation of china. tao’s theories were universally accepted do to hissuccessful practice. however, due to the cultural revolution, tao xingzhi wascriticized. until 1980s, he was recognized by the academy. there were someimportant books such as the education theories of john dewey” (1981) and “theeducation theories of tao xingzhi. in the early 20th century, some scholarsbegan the contrastive study between them, such as a comparison between johndewey and tao xingzhi on education theory, written by hu jiyuan(2007). with thepromotion of quality-oriented education, much attention was paid on the lifeeducation, such as “the comparison between ‘life is education and education islife, written by liu jianying (2010). generally speaking, studies andresearches on their theories are rather brief; mainly focus on the theoreticallevel. in my opinion, it is far from enough if we really want to learn from itto improve the current educational situation in china. what we should do is tolook into the education practices and find out their original inspiration. bystudying those vivid teaching practice, more findings can be perceived.

inthis paper, i try to make a further study on both the theories and practices ofjohn dewey and tao xingzhi. based what has been studied, i will make acomprehensible research ranging from the background information to thesupporting theories, from the actual practice to the detailed theories. tolearn more about john dewey, i would like to read some original publicationssuch as “democracy and education. i will also collect as many researches aboutjohn dewey to know more about his experiences. besides, history study is alsovery important. may 4th movement and china’s war of liberation also affectedtheories and practice of tao xingzhi and john dewey. at the end of my paper, iwill put forward some suggestions to the current quality-oriented education andpoints out the limitation of essay writing and bring up some suggestions infuture research.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

my paper consists of five parts. in thefirst part, i will clarify the research background and meaning, theoreticalframe and organization structure of this thesis. in the second part, i willanalyze the formation of the education theories, including background, formation process and theoretical origin.in the third part mainly focus on the content of education theories of both taoxingzhi and john dewey. the fourth part is about the practice of education.comparison work will be done in the above fou parts. in the last part,i willsummarize the whole passage, put forward some suggestions on the “quality-oriented”education of contemporary china. also points out the limitation of essaywriting and bring up some suggestions in future research.


title: a comparison between john deweyand tao xingzhi on education theory and practice



3. 研究计划与安排

before20th january : settlement of the title

before20th march: submission of the outline

before 25th april : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]董宝良.陶行知教育论著选 [c].北京:人民教育出版社, 1991.

[2]陶行知.陶行知全集 [m].成都:四川教育出版社, 1997.

[3]杜威.杜威教育论著选[c]. 上海:华东师大出版社,1981.

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