An Analysis of Amir in The Kite Runner from the Perspective of Freuds Theory of Personality Structure弗洛伊德人格结构理论视域下《追风筝的人》主人公阿米尔解析开题报告

 2023-07-03 09:12:17

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1.introduction1.1 introduction to the author and the kite runner khaled husseini, the author of the kite runner, is an afghan-american writer. he was born into a respectable family. his father was a diplomat and his mother was a teacher. the social identity of his parents gave husseini something different. for example, his father as a diplomat gave husseini a deeper political understanding compared to his peers and ordinary people; and his mother's words and deeds also made him carry the seeds of literature. however, the extremely unstable political environment in afghanistan not only ended husseini's life in afghanistan but also ended his carefree childhood. internal and external troubles forced the husseini family to stay away from the country and find a peaceful place in the united states. the pain and tribulation in this process ,which can really promote peoples growth, cannot be understood by others.khaled husseini's most well-known works include the kite runner, a thousand splendid suns and echo of mountains. a thousand splendid suns is considered to be the female version of the kite runner, which tells the process of two afghan women struggling to survive in pain. in reply to an interview, husseini stated that after finishing the creation of the kite runner, he was fascinated by the idea of creating stories about women in afghanistan, so he wrote a thousand splendid suns. he hoped that this novel would add more depth, details and emotion to traditional afghan women. in the book, there are deep accusations of the prolonged war, a cry for women's rights, and a resistance to reality. echoes of the mountains revolves around parents, brothers and sisters, and even cousins and stepmothers, telling the story of their love, injury, mutual salvation, and sacrifice for each other. rafia zakaria, an official of the american branch of amnesty international and columnist wrote in the book review that the interdependence between helpers and recipients and the accompanying guilt and gratitude are also the obvious theme of this novel.among them, the kite runner is his first work. at first, it was just a short story that recalled his childhood feelings after he accidentally learned from the newspaper that kite competitions were banned in his hometown in the 1990s. it was later expanded into a novel with the support of his family. once published, it has been enthusiastically favoured by readers around the world. the story revolves around the rich young master amir and hassan who was a servant. the protagonist amir has experienced love and betrayal, peace and war, and finally grows up. the kite runner vividly reproduces the real situation in afghanistan in the 1970s and immigrants life in the united states. many parts of the book are related to the author's personal experience, such as the huge kite competition and the life of immigrating to the united states.1.1need for the studythis thesis analyzes the protagonist amir based on freud's personality structure theory. the main need of the research can be summarized into the following three aspects. first of all, the personality development of the protagonist is very important for understanding a novel. compared with direct reading and reasoning, an accurate and in-depth understanding of the characters in the text will be more conductive to understanding the emotional orientation and value of the novel. secondly, as an authoritative personality analysis method, personality structure theory provides a profound theoretical basis for the character research. finally, through this paper, we can get more interpretations of human nature, whether good or evil, beautiful or ugly, are all owned by a complete person.2.literature review2.1freud's personality structure theory sigmund freud was a world-renowned psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and he was also the founder of the school of psychoanalysis. he was born in a jewish family in austria. his father was a liberal and had no religious beliefs. his mother was the father's second wife, which caused freud to be the same age as the son of his half brother. this chaotic relationship was very different from the average family, which also affected freud to a certain extent. he had made a lot of contributions to the field of psychiatry throughout his life. both pedagogy and psychology can find his influence on later generations. freud's main theories include spiritual hierarchy theory, personality structure theory, sexual instinct theory, dream interpretation theory and psychological defense mechanism theory. the connection of various theories has built a profound theoretical foundation for modern psychology.personality structure theory is the main theoretical basis for this thesis. personality is a psychological mechanism that controls external behavior from within. in freud's theory, the complete personality structure consists of three parts: id, ego and superego.the term id was proposed by freud in 1923. id is the thought of human in the subconscious. id is inherent, hidden in the human subconscious, and all behaviors are entirely instinct. the world of id contains all desires, such as hunger, anger and sexuality. these desires are messy, uncontrolled, and even deviate from the civilization and rule of law in modern society. these desires are not tolerated and accepted by the real world. id is a primitive impulse. it follows the principle of enjoyment. all behaviors and requirements are for satisfying one's own needs, regardless of ethics and reason. id is the foundation of the personality structure and is located at the bottom of the personality structure.ego in psychology is an independent and key concept. different schools have different interpretations,but the common point is that it refers to the conscious part of an individual. ego means that the personality begins to face reality and is located in the middle of the personality structure. the function of ego is developed through exposure to the external environment. in this process, it gradually differentiate from id, so as to achieve the purpose of helping id to adjust to the external environment. family education in early childhood, harmonious peer education and social education can provide some favourable conditions for egos evolution. what is different from the hedonism of id is that ego follows the principle of reality, and all behaviors begin to consciously follow the rules. while satisfying the needs of id, it also uses reason to stop bad behavior. with the increase of age, people's self-management ability gradually strengthens, and the manifestation of ego in personality becomes deeper and deeper.superego is a highly moralized result and is at the commanding heights of personality structure theory. it differentiates and develops from ego, but it is essentially different from ego. superego requires the personality to strictly follow the moral requirements and inspire people to perform noble behaviors. in the process of superego formation, cultural traditions, positive values, the influence of social ideals and the moral behavior of parents in childhood all have an impact on this. superego follows the ideal principle, which makes people face the positive side, and involuntarily blame and shame themselves for their mistakes. superego can not only suppress primitive impulses and supervise self-behavior, but also requires the pursuit of perfection in, ego, and superego are different and connected. the differences between them are summarized as follows: id represents a genetic function, which is a genetic instinct that gives people; ego is influenced by personal experience and social environment; superego is essentially inherited from the outside world through imitation and recognition. from the connection point of view, the id is the basis for the development of the ego and the superego. the superego imposes its likes and dislikes on ego. since ego is in the middle of the personality structure, it also assumes the responsibility of regulating the id and superego. since its birth, it has been constantly wandering between id, the real environment and superego. it not only has to balance and coordinate their relationship, but also bear pressure and challenges from all sides, and avoid tension and collapse of ego to the greatest extent. for a person with a complete and sound mind, the three components of the personality structure must be coordinated and coordinated to help people communicate with the outside world. once one component has problems, or the three cannot get along in harmony,then it will definitely show up in people's external behavior.freud's personality structure theory is the world's first complete theory of personality, and its appearance marks the birth of western personality psychology research. freud's first study of human instinct also has a trans-epochal significance in the history of biology.2.2previous studies on the kite runnermany scholars have already expressed their views on the kite runner before this paper. as the saying goes, "there are a thousand hamlets in the minds of a thousand people."chen kaifu explored amir's specific psychological changes in different stages in his paper a study of amirs psychological change in the kite runner. he proposed that from amirs psychological changes, we can see this process at the same time shaped his personal growth road. and our behaviors are closely related to our psychological conditions (2019). in her essay growth and redemption: the kite runner as a bildungsroman, chai rui defined the novel as a bildungsroman by studying amirs gradual development, composing of a change in behavior, actions, thoughts and narrative(2019). in feng yaos paper, humanity thought of wartime chaotic afghanistan---- a study on khaled hosseinis novels, she described amir as an ordinary person, a person who is constantly struggling to grow, and from amir's life experience aroused human thinking about afghanistan(2013).in addition, many scholars take the kite runner as part of their comparative research. mujad didien afandi explored the shift of gender roles in the paper the shift in gender roles in amy tans the joy luck club and khaled hosseinis the kite runner. inara s. alibayova and olga b. karasik also did a comparative research in their paper afganistan from within and outside in khaled hosseini's novel and the mountains echoed.2.3deficiencies in previous studiesin the analysis of amir's image in the kite runner, many researchers focus on the people around amir, such as his father, rahim khan, hassan, assef, the national situation etc. however, these people may have an impact on the growth of amir the decision is still in the hands of amir many scholars have ignored the influence of amir's personal experience and perception on the formation of his personality in the process of research. from childhood to adolescence, amir was a rich young master. however, the war made him immigrate to the united states with his family. in this country different from afghanistan, amir grew up rapidly. in this paper, the author will elaborate amir's personality formation in three parts and focus on id, ego and superego respectively, which can provide much more details about amir's growth and help readers understand the novel in a deeper view.referenceschen, k. f. 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2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

1. Research TopicPersonality Structure Theory is a commonly used theory in analyzing characters personalities, such as novels and plays. It is widely used. There is no exception in analyzing The Kite Runner. Based on Freuds Personality Structure Theory, this paper analyzes Amirs personality in The Kite Runner, and then discusses the influence of this personality on Amirs life development in order to explore and induce the universal role of this theory in personality research. 3.Research MethodsDocumentary research. In this paper, documentary research will be used to provide the basic information of the theory and the previous research.Combination of theoretical research and text study. Although this thesis has a profound theoretical foundation, the analysis of the protagonist's personality cannot be separated from the text. Therefore, in this study, the combination of theory and text is more conducive to the derivation of results.Contrast. By comparing the differences with other researches, the unique and special significance of this research can be highlighted, and the value of personality structure theory can be reflected.

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