An Empirical Study of Learning Motivation and Learning Style for Non-English Major Students 非英专学生英语学习风格与动机的实证研究开题报告

 2022-12-27 11:27:02

1. 研究目的与意义


2. 文献综述

learningmotivation, learning style and their relationship have been studied for a verylong time both at home and abroad, which has become hot topics for researchersfor a long time. and nowadays, researchers have got many useful and meaningfulachievements. this chapter talks about the definitions of learning motivationand learning style and some researches.

learningmotivation refers to an internal state that arouses, directs and maintainspeoples behavior. (anita woolfolk, 2007). many researchers agree with canadianlinguist gardner (1985) that motivations should be divided into two parts:intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

intrinsicmotivation often comes with interest or enjoyment. for example, some studentsstudy really hard, because they like english well and they can have fun whenthey are learning english. while someone just studies for reputation, extrinsicmotivation always generates from rewards, punishment or responsibility which isrelated to whether you are successful in some competition or task (fanwenxia,2015). instead of studying for interest, some students study to avoidpunishment or just want to be rewarded by their parents. actually, intrinsicmotivation always can last for a long time. it is more efficient and always canget good result. extrinsic motivation is very common in our school. studentstry to get good grades mostly because they dont want to be punished.


3. 设计方案和技术路线


4. 工作计划

1 设计问卷

2. 完成资料收集

3 数据分析


5. 难点与创新点


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