Narrative Art of The Sense of an Ending开题报告

 2022-09-05 15:15:48

1. 研究目的与意义

Julian Barnes with 'the sense of an ending' won the Booker Prize in English Literature. And #8220;The sense of an Ending #8221;is now one of Britain''s best-selling novels. The biggest feature of the novel is to show the uniqueness and the inner feelings of the protagonist through the description of daily details. It breaks through the traditional linear structure of his former novel, the feature of his novel is to tell the story of an elderly doctor''s biography. 'The sense of an ending' has a classic English literature quality, its exquisite brushwork, ingenious. And every time when you read, you will reveal a new connotation. We think this is a book for humanity in the twenty-first Century book.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

when the author expresses life, the processing of narrative time occupy the important position of aesthetic perception. narrative time is used in many narrative novels now. in order to achieve the purpose of some kind of aesthetics, it can be extended or shortened, can also be interrupted and then reconnected, can even be endlessly, then the narrative time includes the 'narrative time' and 'story time' and then researchers deal with such a complex problem. the problem is the narrative time is a real time or time of the novel. it concerns about telling time and time to be told. real time and novel time are different, there is no corresponding relationship of synchronization. at the same time, the novel time is no longer just refers to time to be told, it includes telling time and time to be told. telling time can upset the story time. time telling and real time are not synchronized, the use of cis, inverse, inverted, inserted in a variety of ways and rearrange the combination can change the linear narrative of a single pattern, to create a new method of synchronic narrative. make it possible to organize the material from the perspective of space, and open up new space for the performance of the novel. in order to show the story of some special meaning, or in order to achieve a special narrative effect, often to interrupt the 'natural' connection, make events recombination

this process, also always through the rearrangement of the narrative time to complete. the sense of an ending reflects this aspect. so narrative time is one of my research aspects.

the other aspect is fixed internal focusing. the narrator in the sense of an ending applies this way . the narrative angle of the hero is only limited to himself, the narrative is limited to the facts he knows and his personal feelings. belongs to the typical limited narrative perspective. it is used in the sense of an ending for adding direct feeling and enhance the sense of the subject. different kinds of fixed internal how to used in the sense of an ending and advantages.


3. 国内外研究现状

some articles research the sense of an ending from the time, the memory, the truth .as time goes by. the hero analysis the memory and then discovered truth.

a part of articles research the sense of an ending from review the self. some articles research the sense of an ending from narrative and memories.

some scholars research the sense of an ending from ethical reflection.


4. 计划与进度安排


chapter1 introduction

1.1significance of the study


5. 参考文献


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