Study on The Conflict of Values from the Perspective of Multi – culture — Take Honour as an Example开题报告

 2022-08-03 09:42:58

1. 研究目的与意义

Under the background of globalization, various cultures from differentcountries are inevitable to collide with the rapid development of the world,which contribute to the formation and development ofmulti-culture. All countries are involved in the cooperation and game in thefield of multi-culture and the problem of value conflict and culturalidentification has been highlighted and has gradually developed into one of theimportant issues discussed worldwide. Elif Shafak’s Honour, a tragedy ofa Kurdish family in London, is a novel of love, betrayal and clash of cultures.This thesis tries to find out the causes and forms of value conflicts in thecontext of multi-culture.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. Theintroduction of plots and themes.

2.The conflict of values in various forms.

3. The root causes of valueclashes.

3. 国内外研究现状

In Elif Shafak’s works, the conflicts between differentcultures, communities and even family members are depicted so intensely thattheir fates or tragedies seem inevitable. She tries to present the valueclashes by changing the settings, telling stories of the past and showingdifferent minds with continual individual thinking and bilateral discussing.Take Honour as an example: Twin sisters are born in the mid-1940s in a smallKurdish village on the border of Turkey and Syria. Jamila becomes a localmidwife. Pembe marries Adem, and they immigrate to London in the 1970s.Bitter and frustrated with his new life, Adem moves out and Iskender, theireldest son, must step in as keeper of the family’s honor. But when Pembebegins to spend time with another man, Iskender will discover that you couldlove someone with all your heart and yet be ready to hurt them.

More and more scholars and writers turn their eyes on theconflicts of culture and value trying to contribute them to the socialproblems, ethnic conflicts and value clashes and even the union orconfrontation between nations.

Samuel P. Huntington (2018), professor and political science scholarof Harvard University,has explored various aspects of cultureconflicts to analyze how different cultures affect the development of our societyand the economy, what role cultures have in the problems of equality andethnic groups in many countries like UK and USA.

Domestic research on value clashes has started in recent years.One Belt And One Road''s policies put China at the center of the world''scultural convergence. Chinese people are facing increasing culturalconflicts. More and more scholars begin to realize the importance of valueresearch. Professor Hu Yurong stated in her newly published book entitled Ethnic Identity and National Identity inthe Perspective of Values (2019) that Ethnic Identity and NationalIdentity forms the deep foundation of the integration of a nation and aculture.

The tragedy of the Kurdish family in Honour is an example of the culture conflicts and value clashesin modern cosmopolitan, the study of which can be an inspiring try to findout the causes and possible solutions.

4. 计划与进度安排


2.Multicultureand Multi-literature

2.1Multi-culture and multiculturism

2.2Features of Multi-literature

3.Theconflict of values in Honour

3.1 The conflict of valuesbetween Pembe and Iskender

3.2 The conflict of valuesbetween Pembe and Adem

3.3 The conflict of valuesbetween Pembe and Jamila

4.Thereflection of culture and value conflicts in globalization

4.1 Causes of theseconflicts

4.1.1 Social and Political Cause

4.1.2 Economic cause

4.1.2 Religious cause

4.2 Reflection in youth education

4.3 Reflection in marriage


5. 参考文献

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