C-E Translation Strategy of Public Signs in Scenic Spots–From the perspective of functional translation theory开题报告

 2022-07-29 09:48:46

1. 研究目的与意义

Withthe rapid development of international exchange and the intensification of thereform and opening-up policy, China is becoming more and more open to the worldthan before. Consequently, there will be increasing numbers of overseastourists coming to China. As an important medium of internationalcommunication, public signs in the scenic spots, have a vital role in theprocess. However, public signs in scenic spots are far from being satisfactory.These poorly-translated public signs not only fail to achieve the intendedcommunication function but also severely damage the China#8217;s image and itsinternational tourism. Therefore, C-E translation of public signs in scenicspots is worthy to be studied.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Looking upon C-E translation of public signs in terms of functional approach is of great help to solve many problems in translation practice. Functional approach fits better in guiding translation practice in this field.

3. 国内外研究现状

1. studies on features,functions of public signs. for instance, onlanguage features of public signs and its translation (bei zhu shanaimin, 2002), functions of public signsand its translation (lv hefa, 2005)

2. analysis of theproblems and errors in the translation of public signs. for instance, translation criticism: potential andlimitations (reiss, 2000), erroranalysis of public signs translation (liu jing, 2006),present situation ofpublic signs translation and communicative translation approach (hexuegeng,2006)

3. strategies of publicsigns translation. for instance, translationstrategies according to text typology in functionalist approaches (zhuzhiyu, 2004)


4. 计划与进度安排

english public signs in tourism are far from being satisfactory. various problems exist. c-e translation of public signs in scenic spots is very important for national tourism. the subject is worth a systematic study.

i will probe into various translation problems of public signs in major scenic spots in nanjing. problems are classfied and analyzed in the light of functional approach. case study and comparative-analytical method are applied in discussing the existing problems.

based on an analysis of many examples, i will come to a conclusion in c-e translation of public signs, and give out my suggestion to improve the quality of public signs under the guidance of functionalist theories.


5. 参考文献

[1]. joan,pinkham.thetranslator#8217;sguidetochinglish[m].beijing:foreignlanguage teaching and research press, 1998

[2]. newmark, peter. approaches to translation [m]. oxford: pergamon institute of english, 1981[3]. nidaeugenea.languageandculture:contextsintranslating[m].shanghai:shanghai foreign language education press, 2006

[4]. nord, christiane. text analysis in translation theory: methodology and didactic application ofmodelfortranslation-orientedtextanalysis[m].secondeditionbeijing:foreign language teaching and research press, 2006

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