The Influence of The Greek and Roman Myth on British and American Culture开题报告

 2022-07-15 14:23:42

1. 研究目的与意义

As the earliest ideology of Greece, Ancient Greek mythology is the record of ancient Europeans'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' unique fantasy and imagination, which existed in the long and difficult history period. The artistic expression was the reflection of the ancient#8217;s struggle when facing cruel natural environment and social environment. The particularity of the struggle was not only national, but also contained widespread and profound human contents. Probably originated in 8th century BC ago, it formed the basic scale by word of mouth. Afterwards, it was recorded in Homer#8217;s Epic and ancient Greek poetry, drama history and philosophy works. Later, people reorganized it and formed the one we are familiar with today, including stories of gods and legends of heroes. The unique cultural tradition of Western mainly contains the culture heritage of ancient Greece and Christian ideology system. Under this background, British and American culture, thought to be an important part of western culture, usually embody with profound meanings and thoughts.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

research context

1.language ---lexicon and idiom

2.british and american literary works

3.philosophy outlook and values.


3. 国内外研究现状

domestic research:

origin of myth is the origin of the research about greek and roman myths in our country and reached its climax till about 1980.research mainly focuses on the following aspects.

1.the application of comparative method


4. 计划与进度安排

1.research title and theme

the influence of greek and roman myth on british and american culture

2. research context

1.language ---lexicon and idiom


5. 参考文献




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