1. 研究目的与意义
With the culture exchange, more and more foreign literatures are translated into Chinese. There are many kinds of literature like fiction, poem and Children#8217;s Literature. Children#8217;s Literature plays an indispensible role in literature as well as the children in our society, however, just a few of the scholars pay attention to the it. Children#8217;s Literature is different to the common literature because the readers are children, they differ from adults in many aspects like comprehensive ability and knowledge. How to translate the Children#8217;s Literature becomes a great question because it will affect their interests to the literature. Thus, consider about the children#8217;s ability to choose the translation strategy must be important.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
This paper will give a brief introduction of the two main translation strategies, domestication and foreignization, and analyze the data got from the research to give some advices when translate the Children#8217;s Literature.Outline:1. Introduction1.1 The introduction of Domestication and Foreignization1.2 The introduction of Children''s Literature1.3 The analysis of others'' research2. Experimental Study2.1 Research design 2.1.1 The preparation of the study 2.1.2 The choice of the study object2.1.3 The design of the questionnaire2.1.4 The choice of the research method2.2 Data processing 2.2.1 Data collection 2.2.2 Data analysis2.3 Research conclusion3 Strategies for Children''s Literature Translation
3. 国内外研究现状
There are not so many researches about the Children#8217;s Literature translation. Foreign scholars have done more researches than Chinese, they mainly focus on the purpose of translation, roles the translator plays, Children#8217;s Literature translation history and illustrations. Chinese scholars have already done the study from the aspect of history, the strategies, the translators of Children#8217;s Literature.
4. 计划与进度安排
1. Read the books and researches to make a introduction of domestication and foreignization.2. Compare the difference between children and adults.3. Design the study about the acceptance of exotic culture among children.4. Make the study and collect the information from the study.5. Analyze the data.6. Give the results.
5. 参考文献
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