On the Tragedy of Willy Loman in the Death of a Salesman关于推销员之死中威利罗曼的悲剧分析开题报告

 2022-06-27 21:56:45

1. 研究目的与意义

Death of a Salesman is one of the most influential tragic plays in 20th century, produced by Arthur Miller. This play presents a common people#8217;s life tragedy. The death of protagonist is associated with the social background,family and the character flaws. The paper is aimed at analyzing the reasons which cause the tragedy and drawing the conclusion how society ,family and personal character influences one#8217;s life. The shock which 'Death of a Salesman' brings people is common. Death of a Salesman,' is a great success in tragedy, and its tragic effects are jointly promoted in several ways. It was the tragedy of epic status, proving its irreplaceable function in modern American theater and modern sociology.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This article will start from several aspects --the American Dream, family and humanity to explore the tragic effect of Death of a Salesman strongly.The first part will introduce the author and the content of his play-the death of a salesman. Then, the paper will focus on the three reasons-social background, family and personal characters to analyze the tragedy. Finally, the realistic meaning and value of this tragedy to modern society and human will be explored.

3. 国内外研究现状

From 1979 to 2014, all kinds of domestic and foreign journals had published many articles about Arthur Miller and the 'death of a salesman'. These researches on this modern tragedy and these papers are mostly confined to the American dreams and Arthur Miller''''s view, and focus on some methods and techniques of performance. However, the society or family or personal character flaws must havedifferent influences on different people and the realistic meaning of this tragedy for people to understand and grasp should not be the same. That is why I attempt to make a research on this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排


death of a salesman is one of the most famous plays written by arthur miller in 1976. when this paly was first staged in 1949, it won the tony award for best play, the new york drama critics'''' circle award, and the pulitzer prize for drama. it was the first play to win all three of these major awards. the death of a salesman describes the tragedy of a common man ----willy roman who pursuits his dream and works hard for his own life with the sense of american dream. willy loman believed that he could succeed if he worked hard, but this lucky thing didn#8217;t happen to him. he finally chose to let his sons realize this dream by suicide. this drama gives a clue about the true meaning of life and how to acquire the real happiness to people deeply.


5. 参考文献

[1] arthur miller. death of a salesman[m], new york,penguin books ltd. 1976.

[2] arthur miller. the tragedy and the common man:introduction to collected plays[m], new york and london, viking penguin inc, 1958.

[3]程海燕. 阿瑟#183;米勒的社会悲剧观--《推销员之死》的悲剧根源[j]. 戏剧文学,2009,08:68-71.

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