A study on English-Chinese translation of Idioms from Cultural Perspective 文化视域下的中英习语互译开题报告

 2022-06-27 21:56:05

1. 研究目的与意义

Idioms,generally regarded as the essence of language,deposit of culture,a unique composition in the process of culture construction and development,play important roles in language.Owing to their conciseness in form and richness in meaning, they are widely employed by both Chinese people and English people in daily life and literary works.However,the merits of idioms also bring out difficulties in translation. The E-C idiom translation involves not only the transfer of language but also the transmission of culture.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will give a brief introduction of Idioms and the relationship between idioms and culture factors is important for translators to considerate when they do the translation of idioms. Then, the paper will focus on several main translation strategies on E-C translation of idioms. Giving some guides for idiom translations and the author hopes the translation principles and methods cited in the thesis would provide some constructive clues in translation.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on translation strategies for idioms translation. Most of those researches mainly discussed translation strategies like literal translation, free translation, foreiginization and domestication. Translators found it#8217;s hard to express the meaning of idioms from one language into another . In order to make the translation become more native and more accurate in the second language. Researchers take the cultural factors into consideration when they are doing the translation. A lot of theses discussing the relationship between culture and idioms have been published.

It is still important for translators to know about the principles and methods of idiom translation. And we need more researches in this area.

4. 计划与进度安排

i. introduction

idioms express rich and complex cultural information,such as geological environment,social history, political economy, religious beliefs and traditional customs.they are the embodiment of national characteristics and cultural individuality.translation of idioms requires translators to have a clear and accurate understanding of the ideas,history, beliefs and customs of targeting nations through which the value and spirit of the source nation can be transmitted faithfully and gracefully.therefore,it is necessary to take into consideration the cultural factors in idiom translation.


5. 参考文献

[1] catford.j.c.a linguistic theory of translation.london:oxford university press,1 965.

[2] coulson.j.the new oxford illustrated dictionary.oxford:oxford university press,1978

[3] kroberamp;kluckhohn,c.culture:a critical review of concepts and definitions.random house,1963.

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