
 2021-10-27 22:15:24

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

文 献 综 述建筑给排水管道施工质量控制摘要:随着我国的发展,对建筑质量的要求也越来越高了。


关键词:给排水管道、管道安装、施工质量construction quality control of building water supply and drainage pipelineabstract:with the development of our country, the requirement of building quality is higher and higher. building water supply and drainage pipeline quality control of construction quality is directly related to the whole building, is a very important link, its construction quality directly affects the performance of building structure in the late, so we need to strengthen the control of water supply and drainage pipeline engineering construction quality, to ensure that water supply and drainage pipeline construction quality to meet the design requirements.key words: water supply and drainage pipeline, pipeline installation, construction quality.1. 前言建筑给排水管道施工质量存在问题,将导致在日后的使用过程中给排水不通畅。


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

题目:东翔商住公寓楼给水排水工程设计1. 工程概括:本工程位于合肥市,为15层商住公寓楼楼,十二层商住公寓楼,二类高层商住楼,总高度为44.6m,总建筑面积约9200m2. 本工程一、二层为商业用房,地下室为车库。



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