
 2021-08-08 19:46:53

1. 研究目的与意义





2. 国内外研究现状分析

Bidders shall be in accordance with the bill of quantities provided by the tenderer, partial table, measuring the quantities bill valuation project list valuation table, other projects list valuation table, fees and taxes project list valuation table, fill out the project code, project name, project characteristics, measurement unit, quantity must provide consistent with the tenderer. 1. Determine the total unit price of sub-item project of sub-item of sub-item of sub-item of sub-item of sub-item of sub-item of sub-item of the branch. 1. 1. 2 materials for temporary pricing.Theestimatedunitpriceofthematerialsprovided inthelistofotheritemsinthebidding document shall be calculated according to the unit price and the unit price shall be included in the unit price list. 1. 1. 3 shall include reasonable risks borne by the contractor. The bidder shall take into account the comprehensive unit price of the risk fee required by the input tender documents. In the course of construction, when the risk content and its scope are within the scope stipulated in the bidding documents, the comprehensive unit price shall not be changed, and the project price shall not be adjusted. For price risk is mainly caused by the market price fluctuations, such as project cost of construction materials, such as fuel price risk, contract both sides should be in the tender documents or expressly agreed upon in the contractthe scope and range of the risk, and make reasonable allocation. According to the characteristics of the project andtherequirementsoftheconstruction period,thegeneralmethodisthatthecontractorbears less than 5% of the material price risk, and less than 10% of the construction machinery usage risk. - related laws, regulations, rules or policies lead tochangesin engineering of taxesand fees, service, construction administrative departments by the provincial, industry or its authorized engineering cost management mechanism in accordance with the above change policy adjustments, the contractor shall not take such a risk, should be adjusted in accordance with relevant regulations. - for a contractor based on their technical level, management level, operatingconditionsandcanindependentlycontroltheriskofthecontractor'smanagementfees, profit and so on risk, market conditions, the contractor shall be determined according to the actualsituationofenterpriseitselfisreasonable,ownquotation,thispartoftheriskbornebythe contractor.1.2determinethestepsandmethodsoftheunitpriceofsub-itemengineering.1.1.2. 2 analysis of individual project contents. List provided by the project in the tender documents, the tenderer on the engineering characteristics of accurate, detailed description of the bidder in accordance with these instructions, combined with the construction site conditions and the proposed construction schemes to determine the completion list should appear in the actual contentof the project engineering. 1.2. 3calculation of the project contents and thecontents of theunitlist.1. 2.4sub-projectengineering cost,materialcostandmechanicalcalculation.1.2.5 to calculate the comprehensive unit price management comprehensive working days by the management fee rate (%) = profit = comprehensive working days * profit margin (%) of artificial price risk = comprehensive working days by artificial price difference according to calculate the comprehensive unit price calculation, can prepare a list of the partial analysis of the quantities bill valuation, 1.3 the quantity of the comprehensive unit price analysis table. Because the evaluation mainly USES the method of reasonable low price in China, the rationality of the comprehensive unit price in order to reflect the partial quantity, unit price analysis should be donebidder,asthemainbasisoftheevaluationtojudgethecomprehensiveunitpricerationality. The compilation of the comprehensive unit price analysis table shall reflect the compilation processofthe comprehensive unitprice andshallbe prepared in accordancewith the prescribed format, 2. Project list and pricing table preparation measures project fee should be according tothe bidding documents of the measures list and bidding for project construction organization design or construction scheme according to different ways of bid quotation. Calculation should follow the following principles: 2.1 bidders can according to the actual circumstance of engineering and construction organization design, independently determine the measures of the project cost, added the tenderer list measures, supplement the project by the bid assessment committee to review. 2.2 measurement can be calculated in the quantity list of the engineering quantity by the partial itemized bill; A list of items that cannot be calculated for the project shall be prepared by the "project" as the unit of measurement and shall include all expenses except expenses and taxes. 2.3 the measures in the list of safety and civilized construction measures shall be priced in accordance with the regulations of the national or provincial and industrial construction departments, and shall not be used as competitive expenses. 3. The other engineering costs of the other project list shall include the provisional amount, the provisional estimate, the daily work and the total contract service fee. The bidder shall abide by the following principles when bidding for other projects: the provisional amount shall be filled in according to the amount specified in the list of other items, and no change or alteration shall be made to the provisional amount of 3.2. 3. 2. 1 the tenderer provide temporary in the bill of quantitiesvaluation materialsandprofessionalengineeringbelongsto,mustbesubjecttotender according to law by the contractor and the tenderer jointly determined by the bidding materials and the engineering unit price. 3. 2. 2. If the material does not belong to the bidding scope, the unit price shall be confirmed according to law after mutual consent. 3.2 if this professional project is not part of the bidding project, it must be carried out according tolaw, and the owner, the general contractor and the sub-contractor shall carry out the valuation according to the relevant valuation basis. 3. 3. 3. The daily work shall determine the comprehensive unit price according to the other items and estimated quantities listed in the project list. 3. 3. 4 turnkey service charge should be according to the tenderer in the tender documents listed in the subcontractengineeringcontent and supply of materials, equipment, and in accordance with the requirements for a coordination, coordination and service of the tenderer and 3.4 fee as determined by the construction site managementrequires independent tableestablishment fees andtaxes,taxitemslistandvaluationshallbeaccordingtotheprovisionsofthestateorprovince, industry construction department, shall not be used as a competitive cost. This is because the standards of fees and taxes are based on relevant laws, regulations and policies, and are mandatory. The bid price summary table of 3.5 the bidder shall be the bill of quantities in the composition of subentry engineering cost, engineering cost, engineering cost and other charges and taxes total is consistent, namely the bidder in the bill of quantities tender offer, not to bid price is favorable, the bidder for the any discount of tender offer shall be reflected in the correspondingengineeringcomprehensiveunitpricelist.

3. 研究的基本内容与计划





4. 研究创新点




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