
 2023-12-27 11:01:06

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求



1. 鐔熻鍥藉唴澶栧湪绾垮箍鍛婄殑鍓嶆湡鐮旂┒锛屼緥濡傝瑷€瀛﹀拰鍟嗕笟棰嗗煙鐨勫墠鏈熺爺绌讹紱


2. 实验内容和要求

3. 参考文献

baker, k., 2015. identity in online personal ads: a multimodal investigation. asian socialscience, 11(15), pp.313-323.

baker, m.j. and churchill, g.a., 1977. the impact of physically attractive models onadvertising evaluations. journal of marketing research, 14, pp.538-555.

bateman, j.a., 2009. discourse across semiotic modes. in: renkema, j., ed. discourse, ofcourse: an overview of research in discourse studies. amsterdam: john benjamins,pp.55-66.

bhatia, v.k., 2005. generic patterns in promotional discourse. in: halmari, h. andvirtanen, t., eds. persuasion across genres: a linguistic approach. philadelphia: johnbenjamins, pp.213-225.

jessen, i.b. and graakjaer, n.j., 2013. cross-media communication in advertising:exploring multimodal connection between television commercials and websites. visualcommunication, 12(4), pp.437-458.


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