
 2023-12-06 09:16:32

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求


2. 实验内容和要求

contents1.introduction1.1william faulkner1.2the sound and the fury2.literature review2.1gerard genettes narratology2.2narrative perspective in the sound and the fury3.internal focalization of three compson brothers3.1 idiotic benjy3.2 self-obsessive quentin3.3 jasons self-defense4. zero focalization on dilsey4.1 the identification of dilsey4.2 the importance of dilsey5. external point of view of faulkner5.1 the appendix of the sound and the fury5.2 faulkners attitude to caddy6. conclusion要求:阅读有关的理论著作和文章,了解研究动态,掌握相关理论,学习论文的写作方法,并认真写好文献综述和开题报告。




3. 参考文献

Bennick J. Christopher. William Faulkners The Sound and the Fury: Male Dominance and the Destruction of the Female. Diss: California State University,2001.Cohen,Philip. Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, theory, Interpretation. New York: Garland,1997.Faulkner, Walliam. The Sound and the Fury. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House,1995.Grard Genette. Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method. Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1980.Polk, Noel, ed. New Essays on The Sound and the Fury. Oxford City: Cambridge University Press,1993.Warren Beck. William Faulkners Style. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press,1960.Walter J. Slatoff. William Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press,1960.William R. Linneman. American Speech: A Quarterly of Linguistic Usage. Alabama: University of Alabama Press,1963.常耀信:《美国文学史》. 天津:南开大学出版社,1998.[Chang Yaoxin. The American Literature. Tianjin: Nankai University Press,1998.]李文俊:《福克纳评论集》 . 北京:中国社会科学出版社,1980.[Li Wenjun. Critical Essays on Faulkner. Beijing: China Social Science Publishing House,1980.]热拉尔热奈特:《叙事话语》王文融译. 北京:中国社会科学出版社,1990.[Grard Genette. Narrative Discourse. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press,1990.]申丹:《叙述学与小说文体学研究》. 北京:北京大学出版社,1998.[Shen Dan. Narratology and the Stylistics of Fiction. Beijing: Peaking University Press,1998.]陶洁:《喧哗与骚动》新探. 外国文学评论,1992.[Tao Jie. New Exploration of The Sound and the Fury. Foreign Literature Review,1992.]肖明翰:《威廉福克纳研究》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.[Xiao Minghan. The Study of William Faulkner. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1997.]

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

2.12.16查阅资料,确定选题,研究方向3.123.23收集资料,完成开题报告3.244.30查阅文献,完成初稿写作5.15.9论文修改5.10 完成定稿5.12 答辩

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