
 2022-01-11 21:25:45


1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

1. research purpose and significance

with the gradual popularization of automobile, users have higher and higherrequirements for automobile performance. in order to obtain good power andeconomy, it is necessary to have good handling stability and ride comfort.suspension, as an important vehicle structure to transmit force and torque andreduce impact, has a great impact on vehicle performance. the traditional leafspring suspension has been difficult to meet the requirements of vehicledriving comfort and handling stability. therefore, independent suspension iswidely used in light trucks and light buses, especially the double wishboneindependent suspension has been greatly developed. for unequal length doublewishbone suspension, as long as the length of upper and lower wishbone is properlyselected and optimized, and through reasonable arrangement, the wheel track andfront wheel alignment parameters can be changed within acceptable limits, so asto ensure the good driving stability of the vehicle.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

3.basic contents of research (design), proposedtechnical scheme and measures

according to the automobile theory and automobile design knowledge, thedouble wishbone suspension system of a passenger car is designed. the designprocess is programmed and solidified by computer language to form a completeset of software package with good human-computer interface. it includes:

(1) the design of the double wishbone suspension system, through thecalculation: the system parameters such as the hard point coordinate of thesuspension mechanism, the spring stiffness, the damper damping, etc;


3. 研究计划与安排

1-2 (the 18th-19th week of the 7th semester) determine the topic ofgraduation project, improve the graduation project assignment (relevantparameters), and collect data inside and outside the school.

3 (the first week of the 8th semester) plan conception, literature search,revision and completion of the opening report.

4-5 (the 2nd-3rd week of the 8th semester) foreign language translation anddata collection, and be familiar with the use of adams and solidworks inadvance, so as to facilitate the subsequent analysis and modeling steps.


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] 聂维,徐梦岩,万义强.基于matlab双横臂独立悬架静力学分析[j].中国汽车工程学会年会论文集.2019,(3).323-325.

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