1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
1.1 research purpose and significance
the car dashboardis an important interface and interface for the driver to communicate with thevehicle, and it provides the driver with the information he needs. as animportant "visibility" part of the car, the importance of its shapeis not to mention, the car with a beautiful dashboard has a great appeal toconsumers. with the development of automobile traffic and the increase ofautomobile accidents, it is particularly important to create a comfortable andsafe driving environment for drivers. therefore, in addition to the necessaryfunctions of the dashboard, it must have the coordination of human-machinerelationship. the dashboard that meets the requirements of human-machine, thedriver's operation is more comfortable, simple and safe. [1]
for the design ofautomotive dashboards, it is not only a product planned according to variousdata, but also has an inevitable correlation with ergonomics. ergonomicsrequires the car to provide sufficient space for the driver and occupants tohave good comfort. especially in the instrument panel assembly, the ergonomicsof the visual display device design generally includes three aspects: first,determine the driver and passengers the distance between the display device(dashboard); the second is to determine the optimal layout area of the display device (dashboard) relative tothe driver and driver according to the position of the driver (usually also theoperator); the third is to choose an easy to transfer, display type thatfacilitates quick and accurate identification of the display. these ergonomicconstraints and considerations have a significant impact on automotivedashboards. [2] in response to the above requirements, in accordancewith the development process, based on the predecessors, summarize a set oftheory and use methods for the design and verification of the dashboard designand layout.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
2.1 main research content
this paper takes the 1.6l passenger cardashboard as the design goal, and through theoretical analysis, designcalculation, simulation verification and other methods to design a dashboardprogram that meets the actual requirements. the main contents are as follows:
(1) introduce the background andsignificance of the research, consult relevant literature to understand therequirements to be met when designing the dashboard of a car;
3. 研究计划与安排
1-2 (18-19 weeks of 7 semesters) determinegraduation project topics, improve graduation project assignments (relevantparameters), and collect data inside and outside the school
3-4 (8 semesters, 1-2 weeks) scheme conception,literature search, completion report
5 (3rd week of 8 semesters) foreignlanguage translation, data collection
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] mingming liu. analysis of thedesign of automobile instrument panel [d]. northeastern university, 2008.
[2] zheng xiangang. research and designof car dashboard assembly [d]. shanghai jiaotong university, 2016.
[3] yan wenli. ergonomics-based cabdesign [d]. xi'an engineering university, 2017.