
 2021-11-28 21:43:57

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

china's land is a step-by-step distribution, as the west higheast, of which the plateau area above 2000 m accounted for about 33%, a fewareas up to more than 5000 m. the railway road along the railway road in theplateau area is complex and the climate is very variable, when the altitudespan is large, all kinds of vehicles and engine equipment can not be as normalas in the plain area, when the altitude is raised, the more thin the air, itwill lead to the engine intake pressure drop, insufficient air intake,insufficient fuel combustion and other issues, make the engine power down, theemission of harmful gases in the exhaust gas will be increased, on the one handwill produce pollution to the environment, on the other hand will make thewaste of oil, greatly reducing the performance and service life of the engine.with the increase in altitude, the oxygen content of the air graduallydecreases, while the air density decreases, the air pressure decreases, so thatthe air quality flow into the engine at start-up is reduced, the enginestarting difficult, will lead to the engine's power decline, the engine powerwill decrease at the same time will make the engine full of work, will producea lot of heat, there are often signs of starting stall, speed suspension,overtemperature, etc., or long starting time. at the same time, in the highlandenvironment, the decrease of air density will increase the mixtureconcentration, which will lead to increased engine fuel consumption andshortened life.

at present, many experts and scholars have done a lot of researchwork in order to solve the problem of the intake pressure of the engine underthe plateau, such as exhaust gas turbocharging technology, adjustableturbocharging technology and so on. the existing various superchargedtechnology mainly improves the intake pressure by compressing the air, but itcan't adjust the system with the change of altitude, that is, the plateauadaptability is poor. there are technologies that can self-regulate the system,but the algorithm used is pid (i.e., in engineering practice, the most widelyused regulator control law is proportional, integral, differential control),the advantages of this algorithm are: can adjust the system's open-loop ratiocoefficient, improve the system's steady-state accuracy, reduce the system'sinertia, speed up response times. the disadvantage is: only p controller, andtoo large the open-loop ratio coefficient will not only increase the system'sovershoot, but also make the system stable margin less stable, or evenunstable.

thepurpose of this study is to reduce the probability of engine failure byadjusting the oxygen concentration entering the engine, so that the engine isin a similar plain working state. the significance of this study is to reducethe power consumption of the engine by changing the operating condition of theengine, reduce the probability of engine failure, and make the engine have alonger service life.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

at present,mainstream oems are designing plateau engines to adapt to anoxic environmentsby changing the internal structure of the engine, but this type of engine ismore expensive. this design is mainly designed from the outside of the enginewithout changing the internal structure of the engine. that is, an oxygendevice is installed in the car, and oxygen and air are mixed according to acertain ratio, so that the engine can obtain the oxygen content in a plainenvironment even in an anoxic environment. therefore, we mainly discuss how toeffectively and uniformly mix oxygen and air, how to judge whether the engineis working in an anoxic state, how to increase the oxygen in the engine, andhow to adjust the oxygen.

objective: to design a system that can work with engines inplateau areas. the system must meet the following conditions:

(1) effectively and uniformly mix oxygen and air


3. 研究计划与安排

Task Name



Concepts,reference,finish opening report

the 1st week

Foreign translation,data recollection

2nd-3rd week

Design and calculation,sketching

4th-6th week

3.19make open reply

Pattern drawing,white a design calculation

7th-9th week

Drawings and design calculation manuals,data bag finishing,

qualification syqualification of the defense

10-12th week

The student applied for a reply,prepare for a defense,teacher reviewsdrawings and instructions

13th week

Take part in the reply

14-15th week

4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]sumit dharmarao. selection procedurefor air filter used in automobile engines[j]. international journal ofengineering science and computing, 2017, 7(11): 15611-15613.

[2]harry c. watson and eric e.milkins.a new look at oxygen enrichment 1) the diesel engine [eb/ol]. sae paper 900344, 2018.

[3]stephen douglasgalbraith, holbrook, pa(us).portable oxygen enrichment device and method ofuse[p].united states patent us009993765b2,2018

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