
 2022-01-12 21:03:39


1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

Design and Implementation of Road Sign Recognition Based on Deep Learning

Nowadays human mobility is an element that is highly related to the development of society and the quality of individual life. Through the production of mass automobile and lost of traffic infrastructure construction, individual mobility level have increased nowadays. To provide the efficiency, convenience and safety of mobility, advanced traffic infrastructure construction, transportation systems and automobiles has bean developed.Traffic signs provide valuable information about the road and play a vital role in safe and smooth driving. But, while driving at high speed, these signs might get missed. To tackle with such problem, the automatic road sign recognition system has been introduced. This system helps in improving driver assistance system which is a development in Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles technique. This paper discusses about the various existing methods used in detection and recognition of traffic signs, the challenges that occur in dealing with live images and lastly concludes with a chronological and brief tabulation of all the referred work.

2. 研究的基本内容与方案

purpose of topic:

in all these systems of modern automobiles, cameras based assistance systems are one of the most important components. recently, with the development of driver assistance systems and autonomous cars, detection and recognition of traffic scene objects based on computer vision become more and more indispensable. on the other hand, the deep learning methods, in particular convolutional neural networks have achieved excellent performance in a variety of computer vision tasks. this thesis document presents the contributions to the computer vision and deep learning methods of traffic scene objects detection and recognition.


3. 研究计划与安排

(1) 2020 / 1 / 7-2020 / 2 / 23: refer to the references and clarify the topics;

(2) 2020 / 2 / 24-2020 / 3 / 7: further read the literature, analyze and summarize; determine the technical route, complete and submit the opening report;


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

1.soendoro w.d., supriana i. traffic sign recognition with color-based method, shape-arc estimation and svm; proceedings of the 2011 international conference on electrical engineering and informatics; bandung, indonesia. 17–19 july 2011. [google scholar]

2. li h., sun f., liu l., wang l. a novel traffic sign detection method via color segmentation and robust shape matching. neurocomputing. 2015; [google scholar]

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