
 2021-12-28 21:31:11


1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)


近年来在经济的高速发展驱动之下,我国的汽车行业也进入了自主创新发展阶段,大部分传统汽车以石油、汽油为主要燃料,中国已经成为世界上最大的石油进口国,随之而来的是大量的汽车尾气以及高消耗的不可再生资源所带来的环境和经济问题。为了解决这一问题,相关优惠补足政策层出不穷,国家政府总投入约为3900亿元。自2010年新能源汽车被列为我国战略性新产业以来一路迅猛发展,在汽车行业持续低迷的形势下,新能源汽车行业仍然保持乐观。2018年新能源汽车销量103万辆,同比增长68%,成为2018年唯一逆势增长的细分市场。新能源汽车产业在短短十几年的就能取得如此高的发展水平和经济成果离不开政府的资助和扶持,然而高额的政府补助吸引大量企业涌入新能源汽车行业,政府投入占国内新能源销售总额比例高达42.4%。对于政府而言,财政压力越来越大,“骗补”现象层出不穷;对于行业企业而言,政府“普惠性”补助不利于创造公平竞争的市场环境,中国新能源汽车市场从供给侧出现符合政策导向,而非消费需求导向的畸形化发展趋势。所以自2016下半年开始我国政府关于新能源汽车补贴退坡,新能源汽车行业的一剂强心针突然消失, 特别是2019年下半年新能源汽车产销量呈现大幅下降趋势。



2. 研究的基本内容与方案



第1章 绪论


3. 研究计划与安排

(1)2019.12.1——2019.12.10 查阅资料,初步选题

(2)2019.12.11——2020.3.11 确定选题

(3)2020.03.12——2020.03.19 完成开题答辩


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] nie y m,mehrnaz g,ail z,et a1.optimizationof incentive polices for plug—in electric vehicles[j].transportation research part b:methodological,2016,84:103 123.

摘要:highpurchase prices and the lack of supporting infrastructure are major hurdles tothe adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (pevs). it is widely recognized thatthe government could help break these barriers through incentive policies, suchas offering rebates to pev buyers or funding charging stations. the objectiveof this paper is to propose a modeling framework that can optimize the designof such incentive policies. the proposed model characterizes the impact of theincentives on the dynamic evolution of pev market penetration over a discreteset of time intervals, by integrating a simplified consumer vehicle choicemodel and a macroscopic travel and charging model. the optimization problem isformulated as a nonlinear and non-convex mathematical program and solved by aspecialized steepest descent direction algorithm. we show that, under mildregularity conditions, the kkt conditions of the proposed model are necessaryfor local optimum. results of numerical experiments indicate that the proposedalgorithm is able to obtain satisfactory local optimal policies quickly. theseoptimal policies consistently outperform the alternative policies that mimicthe state-of-the-practice by a large margin, in terms of both the total savingsin social costs and the market share of pevs. importantly, the optimal policyalways sets the investment priority on building charging stations. in contrast,providing purchase rebates, which is widely used in current practice, is foundto be less effective. (c) 2015 elsevier ltd. all rights reserved.

[2] scott hardman,amritchandan,eric shiu,et a1.consumer attitudes to fuel cell vehicles post trial inthe united kingdom[j].international journal of hydrogen energy,2016,41(1 5):6171-6179.

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