How European Budget airlines survive in such a hypercompetitive industry开题报告

 2021-08-08 09:35:23


1. 研究目的与意义

Significanceof the Research

The report is about the research ofthe budget airline industry. Be specifically, it analyzes the macro-environmentand further the attractiveness of the industry. In addition, it also researchesthe business strategy through which the competitive advantages against itscompetitors are generated.

2. 国内外研究现状分析


For the European budget airlines, differentscholar has different viewpoints. Jennifer Leigh (n.d.) said that the low-costairlines are becoming more prevalent due to the need of travelling on a tightbudget. Although the budget airlines have a great advantage of low fare, DanMilmo (2008) shared his concern about some serious questions raised from thewarning from the airline executives that the fares have to rise. Besides, thefuel price continues growing. As a result, the budget airlines would lose theircompetitive advantages against traditional ones. An article (2004) on the economist also shows the concern that new budgetcarriers would disappear rapidly as the American equivalents did.

3. 研究的基本内容与计划




4. 研究创新点

Through the research, the newentrants and some other small airlines could get inspiration from the Europeanbudget airlines, learn to analysis the competitive environment and restructureits strategy to meet the market niche. As a result, the small companies wouldsurvive by avoiding the head-to-head competition with the monopolistic ones.

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