
 2021-08-08 03:05:44

1. 研究目的与意义

In present day, distortion of accounting information has been found everywhere and has become a social event, which is more and more concerned by the public. The accounting fraud endangers governments Marco-control, disturbs tax revenue and does harm to a countrys economic development. In order to raise public awareness and prevent the worse situation to make a health development fo economy, there is a necessity to discuss this topic.

2. 国内外研究现状分析

Literature reviewThe hazards and countermeasures of the distortion of accounting informationForewordThe deliberate distorted accounting information is the Chronic illness of securities markets, which is also called accounting fraud.The accounting fraud endangers governments Marco-control, disturbs tax revenue and does harm to a countrys economic development. Hence, how to recognize accounting fraud and prevent it is very important these days. Many governments attempt to improve the quality of accounting information. Research abroadResearch about accounting information distortion abroad pay much attention on recognizing and preventing different kinds of accounting fraud.(1) Calderon and Greens (1994) paper examines the use of financial analysts forecasts in performing analytical procedures directed toward identifying fraudulent financial reporting. They find that financial analysts forecasts provide relatively accurate signals of fraud in the presence of fraudulent financial reporting. However, financial analysts forecasts are ineffective in signaling the absence of fraud when fraud is not present.(2) Beasley (1996) has found a negative relationship between the percentage of stock held by outside directors and the likelihood of financial statement fraud. And thus those firms with smaller boards were less likely to experience fraud.(3) Furthermore, Ahsan Habib and Istiaq Azim (2008) examine the relationship between corporate governance and the quality of accounting information in Australia. They find regression results show that firms with strong governance structure exhibit higher value-relevance of accounting information.(4) We can see that there are many factors affect accounting fraud. Zimbelman (1997) thinks a separate fraud risk evaluation is not appropriate for assessing accounting fraud. His study found that auditors who separately assess fraud risk spend more time reading fraud cues (i.e., red-flag risk factors) compared to those who make a combined evaluation of risk of both fraud and error.(5) Since many factors have relationship with accounting information distortion. Albrecht and Romney (1986) tests the relative incidence of 87 red flags across fraud and no-fraud observations. Only about one-third of these red flags were found to be significant predictors of fraud. A large number of the red flags found to be good predictors pertained to personal characteristics of management (e.g., key executives living beyond their means, key executives who are wheeler-dealers, etc.). Moreover, many company-specific factors (e.g., business operations deteriorating significantly, etc.) were either insignificant or untestable.(6) In order to have a further study on the factors, Loebbecke, Eining, and Willingham (1989) present the results of a survey of audit partners from KPMG who have had experiences with fraudulent financial reporting and with asset misappropriations. They develop a fraudulent financial reporting assessment model, which incorporates a reasoning process in evaluating the likelihood of fraud. They found that decision-making domination by one person or a small group acting in concert and weak internal controls may lead to accounting information distortionin 75 percent of the observations.(7) Other than that, Green and Choi (1997) conduct a study which examines the relative effectiveness of neural networks (NN) as a means of detecting financial statement fraud in the revenue and collection cycle of publicly held manufacturing and merchandising companies. Three NN models are developed and applied to a sample containing both fraudulent and non-fraudulent financial statements. The studys results support future use of NNs as a fraud-risk assessment tool. (8) Bell and Carcello (2000) write a paper which presents the results of an attempt to develop a model useful in predicting the existence of fraudulent financial reporting.The model includes several risk factor: weak internal control environment, rapid growth, inadequate/inconsistent profitability, undue emphasis on meeting earnings projections, dishonest or overly evasive management, ownership status (private vs. public), and an interaction between a weak control environment and an aggressive attitude toward financial reporting. (9) By a series of analyzing the factors, scholars show some countermeasures to resolve accounting fraud. Hooks, Kaplan, and Schultz (1994) agree that an open communication environment can assist in deterring fraud. Whistle-blowing was found to be an important factor in fraud prevention and detection, since potential perpetrators of fraud were less likely to proceed if the prospects of being reported were increased.(10) Additionally, Hermanson (2000) investigates the demand for reporting on internal control by surveying 1,350 people across nine user groups. Respondents reflected that both voluntary and involuntary management reports on internal control motivate management to improve controls and audit committees to increase their oversight of internal control. (11) New kinds of accounting information has appeared due to the changes of environment. Eva Chung-chiung Yen (2007) thinks the constantly changing and deceptive strategies that can be concealed in complex of financial statements, traditional means of financial analysis is unable to detect these accounting frauds in advance. They propose an easy and feasible method using an unsupervised learning system. In unsupervised learning, the training of the network is entirely data-driven and no target results are provided. The features that do not help in clustering can be removed. With unsupervised learning it is possible to learn larger and more complex relations than with supervised learning. (12) Apart from accounting aspect, Edwin R. Micewski , Carmelita Troy (2007) look at business ethics from a deontological perspective and use specific examples to present their study. They address the theory of ethical decision-making and deontological ethics for business executives and explore the concept of moral duty as transcending mere gain and profit maximization.Domestic researchChina is a developing country and its economy is relatively complex. Accounting information distortion is common in China, especially for those listed companies. Hence, addressing the public company accounting information distortion problem is an urgent task in order to help the information users make the right decisions and avoid suffer undue losses.(1) Zhao Li (2010) writes a paper illustrates the hazards of accounting information distortion. First of all, the accounting information distortion not reflect the fulfillment of managers vicarious liability. Secondly, the distortion of accounting information influence the decision-making usefulness of the losses to investors. Thirdly, accounting information distortion is not conducive to the sound development of listed companies and accounting information distortion disrupt the normal order of the stock market.(2)Chu Ying (2011) also pointed out that there has been a very serious distortion of accounting information among listed companies since the formal establishment of China's securities in 1990. This has seriously damaged the big investors, especially the interests of small investors, weaken the effectiveness of the government's macro-control, reduced the efficiency of the market allocation of resources and has also affected the healthy development of China's capital market.(3) Zhang Qian (2002) agrees that there are eight main factors leading to the accounting fraud. The pursuit of interest is the power source of distortion of accounting information of listed companies. Imperfect governance structure of listed companies accounting information distortion. And the internal control chaos for listed companies provides a hotbed for it. Then the weak part of the public company accounting basic work may lead the low quality of accounting information. Finally, the concentration of power to make a decision.(4) In order to protect the quality of accounting information, Ren Rui et al (2008) raise some suggestions to response to accounting fraud. Strengthening the accounting legal construction, improving enterprise management according to market requirements, strengthening accounting supervision system and intensifying the crackdown on accounting fraud, strengthening the training of accounting personnel, improving accounting professional ethics.ConclusionChina's economy is moving into developed countries. China's economic situation is rapidly changing and complex. Thus We should not only research our own domestic situation and we should also pay attention to foreign research to refer to their theory and combine them. Thereby reducing the occurrence of the distortion of accounting information and promoting the development of the country's economic health.References:Albrecht, W. S., and M. B. Romney. 1986. Red-flagging management fraud: A validation. Advances in Accounting3: 323333. Ahsan Habib, Istiaq Azim (2008), Corporate governance and the value-relevance accounting information: Evidence from Australia, Accounting Research Journal, vol. 21 (2): pp. 167-194.Beasley, M. S. 1996. An empirical analysis of the relation between the board of director composition and financial statement fraud. The Accounting Review 71 (October): 443465. Bell, T. B., and J. V. Carcello. 2000. A decision aid for accessing the likelihood of fraudulent financial reporting. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory 19 (Spring): 169184.Calderon, T. G., and B. P. Green. 1994. Analysts forecasts as an exogenous risk indicator in analytical auditing. Advances in Accounting 12: 281300.Edwin R. Micewski , Carmelita Troy (2007), Business Ethics Deontologically Revisited, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 72(1).Eva Chung-chiung Yen (2007), Warning signals for potential accounting frauds in blue chip companies An application of adaptive resonance theory, Information Sciences, vol. 177(20), pp.4515-4525.Green, B. P., and J. H. Choi. 1997. Assessing the risk of management fraud through neural network technology. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory 16 (Spring): 1428.Hermanson, H. 2000. An analysis of the demand for reporting on internal control. Accounting Horizons 14 (September): 325341. Hooks, K. L., S. E. Kaplan, and J. J. Schultz, Jr. 1994. Enhancing communication to assist in fraud prevention and detection. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory 13 (Fall): 86117. Loebbecke, J. K., M. M. Eining, and J. J. Willingham. 1989. Auditors experience with material irregularities: Frequency, nature, and detectability. Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory 8 (Fall): 128. Zimbelman, M. F. 1997. The effects of SAS No. 82 on auditors attention to fraud risk factors and audit planning. Journal of Accounting Research 35 (Supplement): 7597.褚莹.论我国上市公司的会计信息失真[J].江苏经贸职业技术学院学报.2011 01 :14-16. 任锐、林艳、曲娜.论我国上市公司会计信息失真的原因及对策[J].经济研究导刊.2008(04) 81-82. 张前.上市公司会计信息失真成因探究[J].理论观察.2002 04 :62-63赵丽.从动机角度探寻上市公司的会计信息失真问题及其治理对策[J].会计与审计.2010 02 :74-75

3. 研究的基本内容与计划

Firstly, analyzing the harm of accounting information distortion to the society and economy through the study of literature, and then discuss the relevant factors about accounting information distortion, and then take advantage of the specific model clarifies how to find these factors. Finally, I will raise the solution the defense accounting information distortion.1.First week to third week Students completed a literature review and upload opening report.2.Fourth week to Ninth week Students start to write draft for essay3. Tenth week to twelfth week Students finish the paper.4. Thirteenth week to fifteenth week Students modify the paper and approved by mentor and finally print two required copies.5. Fifteenth week to sixteenth weekStudents discuss with teacher and answer to teachers questions.6. Seventeenth week Students based on respondent opinions to revise their papers and upload the paper system.

4. 研究创新点

This paper combine the actual situation and the theoretical framework to make the study of Chinese accounting information distortion more perfect. In addition, the article also explains the relationship between the corporate ethics and the quality of accounting information.

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