1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
(1)研究目的purpose of study
the aim of this work consists in analyzing the stability of the banking system of the republic of moldova, substantiation of basic directions regarding the stabilization of the domestic banking system. the intended deepeningpurpose is elaborated in the following research tasks: fundamental concepts relating to the banking system, bank stability and deepening the analysis of the european standards andsecurity; practices in the field of ensuring the stability of the banking system and addressing the benefits and application of effective practices in an econometric model of evaluating thethe domestic banking system; main factors that affect the stability and safety of the banking system of the republic of moldova.
(2)研究意义research objectives
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
chapter i. development of banking system in moldova and its impact on national economy
3. 研究计划与安排
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
bibliography1. basno c., dardac n. operaiuni bancare. instrumente i tehnici de plat. editura didactic i pedagogic, r.a., bucureti, 2001, 251p.
2. craganciu a., iliadi g. moned i credit. (manual). editura asem, chiinu, 2004, 249p.