1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
in the last few years, wireless serviceshave become more and more important as the demand for higher network, capacityand performance has been increased.
with this rapiddevelopment of wireless communication, increasing the data rate and the qualityof wireless transmission service (reliability) is now the focus of attention.first, without increasing system bandwidth and the transmission power, in orderto improve system capacity, broadband wireless mobile communication system isusing mimo technology. mimo-ofdm (multipleinput, multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) isthe dominant air interface for 4g and 5g broadband wireless communications. itcombines multiple input, multiple output (mimo) technology,which multiplies capacity by transmitting different signals over multipleantennas, andorthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing(ofdm),which divides a radio channel into a large number of closely spacedsub-channels to provide more reliable communications at high speeds. researchesconducted during the mid-1990s showed that while mimo can be used with otherpopular air interfaces such astime division multiple access (tdma)andcode division multiple access (cdma),the combination of mimo and ofdm is most practical at higher data rates.
mimo is often traced back to 1970s research papers concerningmulti-channel digital transmission systems and interference (crosstalk) betweenwire pairs in a cable bundle: ar kaye and da george (1970),branderburg and wyner (1974),and w. van etten (1975, 1976).although these are not examples of exploiting multipath propagation to sendmultiple information streams, some of the mathematical techniques for dealingwith mutual interference proved useful to mimo development. in the mid-1980sjack salz atbell laboratoriestook this research a step further, investigatingmulti-user systems operating over “mutually cross-coupled linear networks withadditive noise sources” such as time-division multiplexing and dually-polarizedradio systems
belllabs built a laboratory prototype demonstrating its v-blast (vertical-belllaboratories layered space-time) technology in 1998. arogyaswami paulrajfounded iospan wireless in late 1998 to develop mimo-ofdm products. iospan wasacquired by intel in 2003. v-blast was never commercialized, and neitherclarity wireless nor iospan wireless shipped mimo-ofdm products before being acquired.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
inthis paper we elaborate on the design of a mimo-ofdm baseband emitter ,
specific operations are asfollows:
3. 研究计划与安排
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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