
 2022-10-18 10:45:12


摘 要


关键词: AT89S52; 湿度; 温度; 光照


The main content of this design is to detect soil moisture, temperature, light intensity to carry on watering, ventilating and filling light for potted flowers. The design is mainly composed of AT89S52 MCU and ADC0832 as the core part of the system. The three performance indexes of the system, yl-69 humidity sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor and photosensitive resistor, input different data collected IN real time to the IN end of ADC0832 as the input analog signal. Yl-69 humidity sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor, photosensitive resistor and AD are converted. The circuit contains functions of high and low humidity detection, temperature detection, light intensity detection, AD conversion and single chip microcomputer display through decoding.When single-chip computer work, need to collect data, directly to the A/D converter issue instructions to make it work, address strobe signal from ADC0832 conversion chip to compare IN1 channel, then the transformation input analog signals, when the AD conversion is complete, EOC terminal output high level, can read AD conversion as A result, the single chip microcomputer can use call interrupt program, read the result of the transformed data. Finally, MCU will collect the humidity, temperature, light all kinds of data after analysis and processing sent to LCD1602 for display. This time I designed the SCM balcony watering system design is divided into two parts, respectively for the intelligent and manual. Intelligent; Firstly, set the upper and lower limits of humidity. When the detected soil moisture value is lower than the set lower limit, the AT89S52 MCU will send a signal to control the watering of the system. When the detected soil moisture value is higher than the set upper limit. Again by the single chip microcomputer signal control system to stop watering. Manual: turn off the MCU power supply, and water the potted flowers with the power provided by the peripheral circuit. Intelligent ventilation, manual ventilation and intelligent lighting, manual lighting principle with the same.

Key words: AT89S52; humidity; temperature; illumination


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 选题的目的和意义 1

第二章 基于单片机的阳台浇花系统 2

2.1系统组成部分 2

2.2系统工作原理 2

2.3方案论证:湿度,温度、光照检测模块 3

2.3.1方案一检测模块选用YL-69土壤湿度传感器、DS18B20温度传感器、光敏电阻。 3

2.3.2方案二检测模块选用DS18B20温度传感器、HS1100湿度传感器、光敏二极管。 3

2.4显示模块 3

2.4.1方案一在系统显示中选用LED数码管。 3

2.4.2方案二、在系统显示中选用LCD。 3

2.5结果 4

第三章 硬件及电路介绍 5

3.1AT89S52单片机简介 5

3.2 AT89S52的复位电路 6

3.3 时钟电路 8

3.4 YL-69土壤湿度传感器 9

3.6光敏电阻 10

3.7 ADC0832功能特点及引脚 10

3.8 ADC0832 的控制原理 11

3.9继电器 12

3.10 蜂鸣器及按键 13

第四章 系统软件设计 15

4.1 系统流程图 15

4.2 LCD1602显示程序 16

4.3按键程序 16

4.4 ADC0832芯片接口程序 17

第五章 系统的安装与调试 19

总结 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

第一章 选题的目的和意义



第二章 基于单片机的阳台浇花系统




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