
 2022-10-18 10:44:41


摘 要



Design and Implementation of Smart Dumpster Based on STM32


With the continuous development of science and technology, when purchasing household appliances, the intellectualization and humanization of household appliances are the first choice people will consider. At the same time, people are paying more and more attention to the protection of the environment and their own health. In order to solve the unsanitary problem of the traditional trash can, this paper mainly designs and studies a new type of intelligent trash can. Through the ultrasonic sensor, it can detect whether someone needs to throw garbage, so as to automatically control the opening and closing of the intelligent trash can. At the same time, another ultrasonic sensor can scan the inside of the trash can to judge whether the trash can is full or not, so as to realize self-realization. Dynamic alarm. The design finally achieves the following functions: when there is someone in front of the garbage can, the garbage can automatically open the lid; when the garbage is thrown away, the lid of the garbage can automatically close. In addition, when the garbage can is full, an alarm will be issued indicating that the garbage can is full. If there is a special need, you can also control the opening and closing of the garbage can and move through the infrared remote control. The design finally completed the design task satisfactorily. The design can bring convenience to people, also can protect people's health and environment, and meet people's needs and market.

Key words:STM32 single-chip computer;smart trash;ultrasonic sensors;stepping motor;Infrared remote control


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2智能垃圾桶国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1智能垃圾桶的国外研究现状 1

1.2.2智能垃圾桶的国内研究现状 2

1.3 主要研究内容 3

1.4 智能垃圾桶的发展方向 3

1.5 本章小结 4

第二章 智能垃圾桶的系统总体方案设计 5

2.1总体设计任务简述 5

2.2 系统总体框图 5

2.3智能垃圾桶放置方式选择 5

2.4 系统设计的选择 6

2.4.1 主控模块的选择 6

2.4.2电源模块的选择 6

2.4.3 传感器的选择 6

2.4.4 电机的选择 7

2.4.5 蜂鸣器的选择 7

2.5 本章小结 7

第三章 智能垃圾桶硬件的设计 8

3.1主要元器件介绍 8

3.1.1 STM32单片机 8

3.2.2 电源以及稳压模块 8

3.2.3 超声波传感器 9

3.2.4 L298N驱动模块 10

3.2.5 蜂鸣器模块 12

3.2.6 红外遥控器 12

3.2.7 步进电机 13

3.2元器件清单 14

3.3 本章小结 15

第四章 智能垃圾桶的软件设计 16

4.1 智能垃圾桶的软件设计思路 16

4.2主程序设计 16

4.3 报警系统设计 17

4.4 红外遥控系统设计 17

4.5 本章小结 18

第五章 智能垃圾桶的调试 19

5.1 对硬件的调试 19

5.1.1对电源模块的调试 19

5.1.2 对超声波模块的调试 19

5.1.3 对红外遥控器的调试 19

5.1.4对有源蜂鸣器的调试 21

5.1.5 对步进电机的调试 21

5.2 对软件的调试 22

5.2.1 编程软件 22

5.2.2程序下载软件 23

5.3 整体调试 24

5.3.1 智能垃圾桶实物图 24

5.3.2 运行指示灯 24

5.3.3超声波检测控制开、关盖 25

5.3.4 声光报警 27

5.3.5 红外遥控控制开、关盖 27

5.4 本章小结 27

第六章 总结与展望 28

6.1 本次设计的总结 28

6.2 智能垃圾桶的发展 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义




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