
 2022-10-18 10:44:34


摘 要






Design of Stereo Garage Monitoring System Based on WinCC and PLC


This design is aimed at the current garage operation equipment is simple and simple garage management system and universal problems such as system management media backward launched on the three-dimensional garage monitoring system of intelligent transformation.

The design mainly USES two aspects of technology to achieve the process of vehicle entry and exit as well as the garage time and parking situation: on the one hand, the use of PLC controller as a control garage hardware controller; On the other hand, the upper computer interface USES Siemens WinCC configuration software to complete the data communication between industrial control computer and PLC.

It mainly realizes the function of three-dimensional vehicle inventory/pickup, and realizes the fault simulation while realizing the function of vehicle access. In the process of operation, the parking condition in the garage can be learned in real time through parking space monitoring to know whether there is a free parking space in the garage.

Through the design, the car storage/take out of the process of the car and parking space display, fully meet the requirements of the project, the design completed the intelligent garage monitoring system transformation, to bring convenience to people's lives, in line with the needs of society.

Keywords: Three-dimensional Garage, PLC Controller, WinCC Configuration Software, STEP7

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1立体车库课题研究的意义 1

1.2 立体车库在国内外的发展 1

1.2.1 立体车库在国外的发展 1

1.2.2 立体车库在国内的发展 1

1.2.3 立体车库的特点 2

1.3 课题研究的方法 2

第二章 智能立体车库系统 3

2.1 立体车库的种类 3

2.1.1升降横移式立体车库 3

2.1.2垂直循环式立体车库 3

2.1.3平面移动式立体车库 4

2.2立体车库监控系统的设计要求 4

第三章 硬件控制和软件流程 6

3.1系统电路设计 6

3.1.1硬件plc选型 6

3.1.2人机界面(HMI)选型 6

3.1.3系统接线图 6

3.3车库运行流程 7

3.4主要程序及其相关功能介绍 8

第四章 立体车库监控系统WinCC组态设计 11

4.1.系统组态 11

4.1.1启动Win CC 11

4.1.2创建项目 11

4.1.3建立系统内部变量 12

4.1.4建立过程画面 13

4.1.5系统各功能介绍 17

第五章 立体车库监控系统的调试与运行 20

5.1PLC调试 20

5.2WinCC调试 21

5.3 车辆进出库路径选择 23

5.4 系统调试运行总述 26

第六章 总结与展望 27

6.1 总结 27

6.2 展望 27

参考文献 29

第一章 引 言


我国科学技术在不断的发展,各种机械的自动化程度不断提高,城市化的进程逐步加快,人民收入水平日渐提高,汽车这种交通工具逐渐走入寻常家庭的生活,成为了人们平时出行代步的重要交通工具,汽车数量的增多伴随而来的就是停车的问题,政府相关部门不可能将城市中的大量土地用来修建停车场,这样会极大程度的造成资源浪费,于是急需一个解决方案来解决这一问题。很显然平面的停车场已经不能满足发展的需要,为了解决停车问题,就要开始改变停车的方式,建造可以在空间中停车的立体车库。 随着立体车库的兴起,既缓解目前城市车位难求的矛盾,又能解决平面停车场占用大面积土地造成资源的不合理利用的问题,既解决了停车问题,又实现了资源的合理利用,符合当今社会可持续发展的要求。



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