
 2022-09-10 23:22:25


摘 要



关键词: 旅游消费主体文化 存在问题 提升策略


Tourism consumption is an important part of people's daily leisure consumption. With the rapid development of tourism industry, tourism consumption gradually forms a consumer culture, that is, tourism consumption culture. In the tourism consumption culture, the consumption culture of tourists is the main culture of tourism consumption, which is an important part of tourism consumption culture. It not only represents the tourism culture quality of tourists, but also reflects the current development of tourism consumption level.

 Through the observation of tourism phenomenon in the current society and the interviews with tourism-related practitioners, it is understood that there are many problems such as consumption motivational alienation, consumption appreciation ability, uncivilized phenomenon and so on. Because the quality of tourists is low, moral weakening and the role of the concept of deviation, the level of development of the tourism industry is not high, tourism operators to develop a low level of management and so on. And then from the true tourism consumption motives to lead the search, tourism consumer behavior and the correct concept of tourism consumption to establish the three perspectives of tourism consumer culture to enhance the content, and from the tourists to improve their own cultural and moral qualities, rich operators The cultural connotation of tourism products, the government to strengthen the macro-guided management, the mass media to create a good cultural atmosphere and the school family to strengthen education and guidance from different angles put forward specific strategies to enhance the current tourism consumption and tourism culture quality improvement contribution.

Keywords:the tourism subject consumption culture; problems; promotion strategies

目 录

摘 要 1

关键词: 1

Abstract 1

Keywords: 1

第一章 绪论 3

1.1研究背景与意义 4

1.1.1研究背景 4

1.1.2研究意义 4

1.2研究内容与方法 4

1.2.1研究内容 4

1.2.2研究方法 4

1.3文献综述 5

1.3.1旅游消费文化 5

1.3.2旅游消费文化影响因素研究 7

第二章 相关概念与理论 7

2.1相关概念 8

2.1.1旅游消费 8

2.1.2旅游消费主体 8

2.1.3消费文化 8

2.2相关理论 8

2.2.1马斯洛需求层次理论 8

2.2.2旅游推拉理论 9

2.2.3消费异化理论 9

第三章 当前旅游消费主体文化现状及问题 9

3.1旅游消费动机异化 9

3.1.1炫耀性消费吞噬旅游文化价值 9

3.1.2过度迎合消费符号带来的认同感 10

3.2对旅游消费对象欣赏能力不高 10

3.2.1走马观花式旅游 10

3.2.2旅游购物层次低 10

3.3旅游消费活动中不文明现象丛生 11

3.3.1疏于礼仪,举止粗俗 11

3.3.2暴力事件频发 11

3.3.3无视景区规则 11

第四章 旅游消费主体文化缺失及异化原因剖析 12

4.1内部原因 12

4.1.1旅游者自身文化素质较低 12

4.1.2在旅游环境中旅游者道德感弱化 12

4.1.3旅游消费者对自身角色认识存在偏差 12

4.2外部原因 12

4.2.1旅游产业发展水平还不高 12

4.2.2粗浅的开发方式致使旅游产品层次较低 13

4.2.3旅游经营者管理不善 13

第五章 旅游消费主体文化提升内容 13

5.1引领探寻本真的消费动机 13

5.2引导文明的旅游消费行为 14

5.2.1遵守社会明文规定的法律规范 14

5.2.2自觉遵守道德规范 14

5.3树立正确的旅游消费观念 14

5.3.1辩证的旅游者角色定位 14

5.3.2黜奢实用的消费观念 14

5.3.3重视精神世界的富足 14

第六章 旅游消费主体文化提升策略 14

6.1政府 15

6.1.1完善旅游法律法规体系和社会诚信道德建设 15

6.1.2发挥政府在旅游政策性引导上的作用 15

6.2旅游经营者 16

6.2.1丰富旅游产品文化内涵,挖掘体验式消费与文化表达的互动 16

6.2.2完善景区内引导类标识系统,加强人员管理 16

6.3旅游者 17

6.3.1提高知识水平和文化艺术修养 17

6.3.2完善道德人格塑造与行为自律 18

6.4大众传媒 18

6.4.1弘扬正确的旅游消费价值观,形成良好的社会风气 18

6.4.2作为旅游地宣传的重要媒介,着眼于对旅游地文化内涵的解读 18

6.5家庭与学校教育引导 18

6.5.1培养浓郁的家庭文化氛围 18

6.5.2开设专门的旅游文化或美学欣赏课程 19

第七章 结语 19

致谢 19

附录 20

参考文献 23

第一章 绪论





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