1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
1.1 目的
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
2.1 基本内容及目标
第1章 绪论
1.1 选题的目的及意义
3. 研究计划与安排
(1)2019.12.15-2020.3.21,确定论文选题,拟定写作大纲,提交开题报告。 (2)2020.3.22-2020.4.20,根据开题报告撰写论文,提交阶段性成果和论文初稿。
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] honghyun a.、kimyongtae、lobogeraldj.. does financial reporting conservatism mitigate underinvestment?[j]2019.2
【摘要】this study examinesthe role of financial reporting conservatism in mitigating underinvestmentproblems. recognizing that volatile cash flows increase the need to accessexternal capital markets and that agency conflicts and information asymmetrymake external capital costlier than internal capital, which leads managers toforgo valuable investment projects, minton and schrand document a negativerelation between cash flow volatility and investment. we draw on minton andschrand’s framework to isolate underinvestment problems and hypothesize anddocument that conservatism mitigates the negative relation between cash flowvolatility and investment and that this mitigative effect is more pronouncedfor firms with ex ante more severe agency conflicts. we also document thatconservatism mitigates the sensitivity of investment to cash flow volatility byfacilitating access to external capital.
[2] nizamud din、xinsheng cheng、shamanazneen. accounting conservatism, debt covenants, and informationasymmetry[j].2017