从美国梦到命运共同体的和谐梦:从跨文化角度分析迈克尔·杰克逊对文化融合与文明互鉴的影响 From American Dream to A Harmonious Multicultural Dream: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Michael Jackson’s Impact on Cultural Integration and Mutual Learning among Civilizations开题报告

 2021-11-09 21:59:39

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

research purpose:

with the flourishing globalization and grand cultural output of the unitedstates in 20th century, especially post world war ii, american dreamhas not only been one of the most important faith of americans, but also beenplaying a role that influenced numerous people who live in each part of the world.michael jackson, the king of pop, is often regarded as the most successful and influentialcelebrities that gained respects from all over the world in the 20th century. being a black boy who came from a poor family and finally grew into aman who would be even more famous than the u.s president, he is a typicalavatar of american dream. at the height of his popularity in the united states,jackson became involved in what would be the start of a commitment tophilanthropy around the world. the story of michael jackson went far beyond themusical arena. he was a humanitarian who advocated for children and supportedaids and cancer research as well as causes like the united nations highcommission for refugees.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


1.introduction(background, purpose, significance, innovation)

2.michael jacksonand american dream


3. 研究计划与安排

march 25th submit the thesis proposal


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] paul, hollander, michael jackson, the celebritycult, and popular culture [j] culture andsociety, 2010(47): 147–152

[2] michael, jackson, moonwalk. [m] new york: harmonybooks, 2009

[3] denise, g. ramos, “creativity and art as part ofthe elaboration of trauma brought on by slavery.” in cultures and identities intransition: jungian perspectives [m], edited by murray stein and raya a. jones,66–79. new york: routledge. 2010

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