
 2021-08-14 02:28:03

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)


我国前辈学者对关联交易的研究内容主要集中在关联方交易的披露、关联交易的行为动因、关联交易的审计、关联交易行为的监管和治理等方面, 对关联方交易的会计处理这类基础理论问题的研究则比较少。目前我国关联交易的会计处理存在着一些不足,这些漏洞使得企业依然能利用关联方交易制造虚假利润。本文研究关联方交易的会计处理主要为达到以下目的:①弥补我国现今关联交易会计处理研究的不足,逐步规范我国上市公司的管理交易,减少利用关联交易来制造虚假利润、粉饰报表的行为,从而保护各利益相关者的利益。②规范关联方交易的会计处理,全面、合理地反映关联交易,使信息使用者能获得必要的、真实的信息,使他们可以利用这些信息作出正确的投资决策,从而保护投资者的合法利益。 (2)意义




2. 研究的基本内容与方案




1 绪论



1.3 研究的内容与方法

2 基本概念及理论基础

2.1 关联方交易的定义

2.2 关联方交易的类型




3.2 对我国上市公司关联方交易会计处理的评价

4 完善我国上市公司关联方交易会计处理的建议







图1 研究路线图

3. 研究计划与安排





4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] jian, ming; wong, t j. propping through related party transactions [j]. review of accounting studies, 03/2010, 卷 15, 期 1

摘要:based on a sample of chinese listed firms from 1998 through 2002, this paper documents that listed firms prop up earnings by using abnormal related sales to their controlling owners. such related sales propping is more prevalent among state-owned firms and in regions with weaker economic institutions. we also find that these abnormal related sales are not entirely accrual-based but can be cash-based as well, and they serve as a substitute rather than complement to accruals management for meeting earnings targets. since these abnormal related sales can be cash-based, there is significant cash transfer via related lending from listed firms back to controlling owners after the propping. however, no cash transfer via related lending is found to be associated with accruals earnings management.

[2] yan-leung cheung,lihua jing,tong lu,p. raghavendra rau,aris stouraitis[j].pacific-basin finance journal,volume 17, issue 3, june 2009, pages 372–393

摘要: we examine a sample of related party transactions between chinese publicly listed firms and their controlling shareholders during 2001–2002. minority shareholders in these firms seem to be subject to expropriation through tunneling but also gain from propping up. on balance, there seems to be more tunneling than propping up. both types of firms have larger state ownership compared to the rest of the chinese market but firms that are propped up are larger and have larger state ownership than firms subject to tunneling. propped up firms are more likely to have foreign shareholders and to be cross-listed abroad compared to firms that are subject to tunneling. propped up firms also tend to have worse operating performance in the fiscal year preceding the announcement of the related party transaction. finally, we find that related party transactions representing tunneling are accompanied by significantly less information disclosure compared to related party transactions representing propping.

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