习近平西雅图演讲的用典研究 Study of Allusions in President Xi Jinping’s Speech in Seattle开题报告

 2021-08-14 02:24:18

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

since the beginning of reform and opening-upin 1978, which was raised by deng xiaoping in the third plenary session of theeleventh central committee of the chinese communist party, china has set out onan extraordinary journey. after a development of a little more than threedecades, china has edged into the world’s second largest economy. with thedevelopment of china’s science and technology, also the trend of political andeconomic globalization, the presidents of china travel to other countries forpolitical visits and make speeches to show china's position more frequently.

when talking about these speeches made byour presidents, they may not be as famous as these speeches like i have a dreammade by martin luther king jr. or inaugural address made by john f. kennedy.however, one thing we must admit is that the speeches our presidents make areof great importance to the relations between china and the entire world. thesespeeches are more than what they are. usually they express our country’s politicalstanding, our country’s diplomacy principles and our country’s attitude towardscertain affairs. so the inner meanings of these speeches are worthy of ourfull-scale analysis.

in this paper i am going to excavate theconnotative meanings of president xi jinping’s speech in seattle, which wasmade in september 24th, 2015. and i am going to study this speechmainly from the point of allusions. it is universally known that chineseculture is profound, not to say its unique language culture both in writing andspeaking. at this point we cannot ignore literature rhetoric. there are manyliterature rhetoric like simile、personification, hyperbole and allusion, which make speeches morepowerful. inancient times the literati prefer to quote from somewhere to strengthen theinner essence of their works. because sometimes it is not wise to sayeverything out directly, especially in some political situations. xi jinping,president of china, is a master in speaking and it’s quite normal for him touse allusions in his speeches.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

i am going to makea study of the allusions appear in president xi jinping’s speech in seattle andanalysis how these allusions work. so in the first part of my paper, i am goingto give a simple definition about what is allusion and what makes up a speech.what’s more, i will give a clear explanation about why i choose this as mypaper theme. then in the second part, i will enumerate the allusions thatappear in this speech and explain them one by one, including explain theirderivation and what do they indicate in this speech. during this part, i amgoing to exemplify what i talk about with recent affairs around the world. and inthe third part, i will explain this speech as a whole, including what thepresident talks about and what he wants to express, also i will cover whyseattle was chosen to be the first station in this whole trip. in the lastpart, i will make a conclusion about what i write and the academic significanceof my paper.

theaim of my paper is to study the allusions in president xi’s speech and make athorough analysis of this speech. during my writing, i am going to take themethod of documentary and logical analysis to make my paper convincing.


3. 研究计划与安排

before 20th january : settlement of the title

before20th march: submission of the outline

before 25th april : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]delahunty andrew, dignen sheila.a dictionary ofreference and allusion[m].oxford:oxford university press, 2012.

[2]jiang li,lu lin.a brief analysis on source ofenglish allusion[j]. read and write periodical.2009(5).

[3]ma xin.the rhetoric in english speech[j]. overseasenglish.2014(9).

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