
 2023-03-19 11:09:45








在第一项研究中,我们调查了两个年龄组:7岁和9岁。我们之所以选择这些年龄组,是因为之前的研究表明,他们的精神状态知识(Antonietti、Liverta Sempio、Marchetti和Astington,2006;Carpendale和Lewis,2006)和阅读元知识(Orasanu,1986)有所不同,9岁的孩子对心理状态有更好的理解,对阅读目标和简单策略有更成熟的了解。因此,我们有兴趣比较年轻人和老年人,以确定学校经历是否是所谓关系的一个因素。


为两个关于日常生活片段的心理化故事写一个结尾,其中他们需要输入错误的信念(故事1)和不同的信念(故事2),以便理解故事中描述的情况。叙事为组织社会经验(布鲁纳,1986年)和反思精神状态(戴尔、沙茨和威尔曼,2000年)提供了一个重要机会,因此是调查个体差异的一种有用方式。至少还有另外两项研究(Camaioni、Longobardi和Bellagamba,1998年;Fox,1991年)采用了一种书面程序,要求孩子们编写故事,然后为MSW编码。MSW的频率是儿童心理状态知识个体差异的重要标志,也是心理理解的良好指标(Bartschamp;Wellman,1995;Hughesamp;Dunn,1998;Hughes et al.,2007)。此外,正如彼得森和斯劳特(2006年)所指出的,对叙事中的都市固体废物进行分析,可以“探索儿童在错误信念测试不再提供信息的人群中利用其ToM能力的个体差异”(第174页)。

儿童阅读元知识的评估主要通过一份问卷进行,并成功地在意大利背景下使用,以检查典型和非典型发展中元知识的个体差异(见Cornoldi、De Beni和Pazzaglia,1996;Kolić-Vehovec和Bajsˇanski,2007;Pazzaglia、Cornoldi和Tressoldi,1993)。为了本研究的目的,我们选择了适合年龄的子测验,评估儿童对阅读目的和阅读策略的理解(德贝尼和帕扎格利亚,1994年;奥拉萨努,1986年;帕扎格利亚,德贝尼和克里斯坦特,1994年)。这两个子测验都反映了库恩(2000)所说的元战略认知,即执行认知任务时大脑如何工作的知识。


儿童关于阅读的元知识。通过Pazzaglia、De Beni和Cristante(1994)元理解问卷中关于阅读目标(10项)和阅读策略(10项)的元知识子测验来评估这一测量。阅读目标子测验考察了儿童理解理解(而非解码)是阅读的主要目的的能力,以及阅读可能出于不同的原因(例如,为了快乐、为了学习、为了寻求特定信息)的能力。阅读策略子测验根据阅读目的和材料,评估儿童对不同阅读策略(如快速阅读文本、分析性阅读和选择性阅读、重读)的知识,以及他们使用适当策略的能力。孩子们每个正确答案得1分;因此,两个子测验的可能分数都在0到10之间。这些量表的克朗巴赫阿尔法是可以接受的(分别为0.74和0.64)。附录中给出了项目示例。

心理知识。参与者被要求为两个关于日常生活片段的精神化故事写一个结尾。第一个故事涉及学校生活,要求孩子归咎于错误的信仰;第二个故事涉及自由时间,需要理解不同的信仰(见附录)。没有设定时间限制。然后,根据之前在其他研究中选择的精神状态术语列表(Hughes et al.,2007),对书面答案进行编码,以确定MSW的频率。附录中给出了编码类别的示例。每次提到精神状态时,都会将其汇总为MSW总分。同一精神状态术语的后续重复(即,“她思考并重新思考hellip;hellip;”)与叙述无关的评论(例如,“我不知道”,“我喜欢这个故事”)被排除在外。两名研究人员对20%的故事进行了独立编码。使用科恩的卡帕法建立的内部协议非常出色(j=0.86)。我们感兴趣的是儿童提到精神状态的原始数量,而不是比例。正如Ruffman及其同事所说(Ruffman、Slade和Crowe,2002),每次提到一种内在状态都可能反映出孩子自己倾向于用心理状态来解释他人的行为。为了控制故事长度,我们计算了故事中的单词总数(不包括心理状态词),并创建了非心理状态词(NMSW)总分。正如Ruffman等人(2002年)和Peterson and Slaught(2006年)一样,我们认为这个变量(NMSW)是衡量儿童表达性语言的一个指标。


阅读理解任务。两个平行的故事,一个用于二年级学生,一个用于四年级学生,来自记忆与迁移(MT)标准化阅读理解组合(Cornoldiamp;Colpo,1995)。对这些年龄组进行的研究证明了良好的测试效度和可靠性(有关综述,请参见Cornoldiamp;Colpo,1995;Palladino,De Beni和Cornoldi,1995)。参与者被要求默读并回答一系列选择题,最终分数为正确答案的数量。所有问题。探究推理信息(例如,主旨、因果关系、隐含意义),而不是文字信息。该程序允许参与者将段落放在前面,以便在回答阶段咨询他们。没有时间限制。可能的分数从0到10分不等。克朗巴赫的阿尔法可以接受,a=0.68。



Reading Minds: The Relation Between Childrenrsquo;s Mental State Knowledge and Their Metaknowledge About Reading

In this article, our interest is directed toward disentangling the relation between these two components of childrenrsquo;s knowledge about the mind by examining the relative and differential influence of childrenrsquo;s cognitive and emotion mental states knowledge on childrenrsquo;s metacogni- tive knowledge about reading comprehension (i.e., metaknowledge about reading). We were especially interested in metaknowledge about reading as it directly relates to childrenrsquo;s ability to comprehend text (Brown, Armbruster, amp; Baker, 1986; Orasanu, 1986; Paris, Cross, amp; Lip- son, 1984) and is thus crucial for childrenrsquo;s school success (Garner, 1987; Schoonen, Hulstijn, amp; Bossers, 1998). Metaknowledge about reading refers to knowledge about the nature of people as readers (such as their attitudes and individual differences), the nature of reading as a cognitive task (such as its different aims depending on readersrsquo;goals), and about possible strategies that can be applied to the task, as well as knowledge about different types of texts and their specific characteristics. Metaknowledge about reading strategies could include knowledge of the benefi- cial aspects of strategies such as skimming, gain- ing an overview of a text, and rereading.

Furthermore, in mature readers, metaknowledge about texts is indicated in their sensitivity to text genres and text difficulties (Orasanu, 1986). Next, we discuss the three main aims of the present article.

As stated above, the first aim of this study was to investigate the existence of a relation between childrenrsquo;s mental state knowledge and meta- knowledge about reading. The relation between metaknowledge about reading and childrenrsquo;s men- tal state can be better understood if we think that a critical aspect of childrenrsquo;s mental state under- standing is that mental states are representations of the world and as such, can misrepresent (Perner, 1991). This ability can be extended to an under- standing that text is also a representation that can be interpreted by oneself or others in various ways such that one could misrepresent the intended meaning of a text (Kamavar amp; Homer, 2000). Thus, the extent to which children under- stand text as metarepresentational likely depends to a certain extent on their understanding that a text has an intended meaning. These insights potentially act as an important basis for individual differences in childrenrsquo;s capacity to reflect on the process of understanding text. Given these consid- erations, we hypothesized a relation between chil- drenrsquo;s mental state knowledge and their metaknowledge about reading. This view can be also supported by two more general consider- ations. First, childrenrsquo;s metaknowledge, defined as knowledge about the nature of people as cognisers and about cognitive processes, comprises and pre- supposes a knowledge about mental states. In this vein, Wellman argued that metacognition can be viewed lsquo;lsquo;as a large, multifaceted theory of mindrsquo;rsquo; (Wellman, 1985, p. 29). Second, theoretically, chil- drenrsquo;s mental state knowledge and their meta- knowledge can be considered as two distinct components of the same construct (Kuhn, 1999, 2000; Wellman, 1 1985), situated in the larger theo- retical construct of metaknowing (Baker, 1994; Day, Cordon, amp; Kerwin, 1989; Flavell, 2000; Kuhn, 2000). Under this umbrella concept, Kuhn (2000) has further distinguished between metacognitive knowing or a declarative knowing, that is, lsquo;lsquo;I know that I knowrsquo;rsquo; versus procedural knowledge or metastrategic knowing, which focuses on the impact of cognitive processes on-task performance, or lsquo;lsquo;I know how.rsquo;rsquo;

Our second goal was to investigate the specific type of mental state knowledge that would be related to childrenrsquo;s metaknowledge about reading by comparing childrenrsquo;s cognitive versus emotion mental state knowledge. To address this question, we analyzed four distinct aspects of childrenrsquo;s mental state knowledge: cognitive state words (CSW), cognitive inference, emotion state words, and emotion understanding. We considered the first two variables (CSW and cognitive inference) as measures of childrenrsquo;s cognitive mental state knowledge and the last two (emotion state words and emotion understanding) as indices of childrenrsquo;s emotion mental state knowledge.

The rationale for investigating the differential link between cognitive versus emotion mental state knowledge and metaknowledge about reading comes from a growing body of research showing that (a) when language and background variables are taken into account, the association between chil- drenrsquo;s cognitive and emotion understanding (Cassi- dy, Werner, Rourke, Zubernis, amp; Balaraman, 2003; Cutting amp; Dunn, 1999) and between cognitive and emotion state words (ESW) (Hughes, Lecce, amp; Wil- son, 2007) disappears, and (b) cognitive and emo- tion understanding show distinct antecedents, correlates and sequelae (Cutting amp; Dunn, 1999; Dunn, 1995; Dunn, Brown, Slomkowski, Tesla, amp; Youngblade, 1991; McElwain amp; Volling, 2002). For example, whereas early emotion understanding is related to later positive peer experience (Denham, McKinly, Couchoud, amp; Holt, 1990), early cognitive understanding is associated with later negative per- ception of school (Dunn, 1995).

Distinguishing between cognitions and emotions is particularly important with respect to meta- knowledge about reading because in order to repre- sent their minds working with written sentences or passages, reading aloud and silently, and asking or answering questions, children should take special advantage from being familiar with cognitive men- tal representations and with cognitive state terms. Furthermore, childrenrsquo;s ability to reflect on how their own minds work when reading, seems to pre- suppose a familiarity with terms that refer to cogni- tive activitie



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