On Jane Eyre’s Female Consciousness开题报告

 2023-01-17 19:32:02

1. 研究目的与意义

In this era, our society has witnessed an unparalleled progress of material wealth. While enjoying the great benefits brought by such a society, many girls tend to yield to money even at the expense of sacrificing self-esteem and self-protection. It is not rare to hear such news as college students are reduced to mistresses of rich businessmen at the lure of money and power. Under this circumstance to emphasize the valuable female characteristics is a matter of paramount importance.

Therefore, I choose to study Jane Eyre, a perfect example of female consciousness as my topic to awaken these lost girls. Jane is a journey of emotion and soul, which attempts to seek for the suitable balance between body and morality, and between individual and society. She, shaped as a new and awaken female, doesn#8217;t marry with Mr. Rochester when he is rich and has a wife but rather stays with him when he is poor and lonely. Jane also resists oppression and social prejudice and fights for independent personality and dignity.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This essay will primarily discuss female consciousness in Jane Eyre by analyzing the typical characteristics of Jane. Based on this condition, this paper will have a thorough discussion about the development of Jane#8217;s characteristics in different times. By analyzing Jane Eyre#8217;s image,we can know that her character is developed step by step along the personal struggling way to equal status and independent personality.To sum up,this paper will have a clear definition of feminism and will also prove that Jane is a real feminist by analyzing her various characteristics from different periods of her life.

3. 国内外研究现状

It goes without saying that as Jane Eyre wins world fame, it has also attracted a host of scholars all around the world to explore and conduct their research from a variety of aspects.

In western countries, many scholars conduct their research on Jane Eyre from a variety of perspectives. For example, in the book Women of Victorian the writer examines Jane Eyre culturally, sociologically and psychologically, regarding it as both a social text and a cultural product. On the contrary, many scholars in China explore Jane Eyre and female consciousness by contrasts of different classical books such as Tess of the D#8217;ubervilles whose heroine has lived in the same period and has similarities in miserable experience with Jane. To illustrate, A Brief Comparison of the Two Characters-Jane Eyre and Tess by Xiao Rui. The above statements show that the scholars both from western countries and China conduct their study about Jane Eyre from a myriad of aspects, making great contribution to the understanding of this classical book Jane Eyre.

4. 计划与进度安排


2.the development of jane eyre#8217;s resistance

2.1the outburst period at gateshead


5. 参考文献

(1) charlotte bronte. jane eyre [m] random house u.s.a.1994.

(2) eaine show ater . a literature of their own[m]prince; foreign language teaching and resection university press ,1995

(3) joyce carol oats. introduction of jane eyre[m]london: bantam books 1983

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