从跨文化交流角度看汉语习语的英译 English Translation of Chinese Idioms From Intercultural Communication Perspective开题报告

 2023-01-04 11:16:09

1. 研究目的与意义

People are inclined to use idioms because they have a concise meaning and vivid images which reflect the different features of our culture in living environments, religion, literature, history and customs.We are confronted with people from different countries, different cultural backgrounds, different languages and customs.If we do not understand the history and culture behind these idioms, we cannot correctly understand the meaning of idioms, which even cause misunderstandings. Therefore, accurate and proper use of idioms plays a very important role in cross-cultural communication.

The English translation of Chinese idioms has aroused widespread concern in translation circles.It can be said that translation is a cross-cultural communication activity, it not only involves the transformation between different languages, but also involves the transformation between different cultures. Translating Chinese idioms into English will be able to spread the profound traditional Chinese culturefurtherso that people around the world can know more about Chinese culture and civilization, which hasgreat help and value to the process of civilization in China and the world.

2. 文献综述

in this part, first of all, it introduces the definition of idioms, and then analyses the composition of chineseidioms, finally researches which are connected with this issue will be reviewed. it is noticed by many scholars from home and abroad.in the different period ofthe twentieth century, the linguistic schools, such as structural linguistics,transformational generative grammar, functional linguistics, have put forward adifferent understanding of the mode of the idiom, thus the previous researches on chineseidioms translationon the intercultural background will be reviewed.

2.1.introduction to idioms

2.1.1 definition of idioms


3. 设计方案和技术路线


4. 工作计划

2022年12月 1.如何确定选题




2022 年1月 确定选题从跨文化角度研究汉语习语的英译

2022年3 月 1.商讨论文框架:介绍习语的定义和跨文化交际的定义国内外对汉语习语英译的研究现状以及翻译中的一些问题通过案例分析分析原因阐释并论述一套汉语习语英译的方法得出结论:译者在翻译汉语习语前需要仔细思考其中的中英文化,然后灵活地选择翻译方法,给出好的译文。



2022 年 5 月 1.论文二稿修改意见:


5. 难点与创新点

Due to cultural conflicts and misunderstandings, the cross-cultural communication perspective in translation has gradually become focus and hotspot. We should keep the idiom style and exotic culture in the process of cross-cultural translation as far as possible, which expresses the literal meaning and convey its implied meaning faithfully. As it has been mentioned above, Chinese is profound and the classification of idioms is especially wide, such as colloquialism, as many as 30 branches. And a considerable amount of scholars devote themselves to intercultural communication in idioms translation. Nevertheless, they mainly focus on comparative studies between Chinese and English idioms, their primary researches are the causes of differences. The biggest value for English learners is to provide an effective way to apprehend Chinese idioms and then transform it. Therefore, this paper firstly tries to summarize the causes of cross-cultural translation of Chinese languages, and then finds out the best starting point to solve this problem. Only when we know the reasons of the different Chinese and English idioms can we find the correct translation method. This is a highlight in this paper.

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