
 2022-10-13 14:22:40


摘 要



International competitiveness comparison of service trade between China and India


In the context of continuous changes in the global economy, trade in services has a huge impact on a country's economic strength. The level of service trade is used as an important indicator to evaluate the economic strength of a country, and financial service trade is an important part of the overall service trade, which plays a great role in promoting the service trade and goods trade, and is of great significance to the economic development and stability of a country. China's trade in financial services is developing rapidly and the scale of trade continues to expand. However, while the total volume of trade is growing, the trade structure is not reasonable. The proportion of insurance services is significantly larger than that of financial services. In addition, the trade deficit is also constantly expanding, and the overall competitiveness is still in a weak position for a long time, far behind the developed countries. In recent years, India, also a large developing country, has seen its financial services trade continuously expand and its international competitiveness continuously improve, and has gradually emerged in the world financial services trade. There are many similarities and parallels between China and India. In particular, India's progress in financial services trade is worth learning from.

Keywords:China and India,Financial services,International competitiveness

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2研究目的和内容 1

1.3研究方法和思路 1

1.4主要概念的界定 1

1.4.1金融服务贸易的概念 1

1.4.2金融服务贸易国际竞争力的概念 1

1.4.3比较优势和竞争优势理论 2

第二章 理论和文献回顾 3

第三章 金融服务贸易国际竞争力评价体系 5

3.1国际市场占有率(IMS) 5

3.2 贸易竞争力指数(TC指数) 5

3.3显示性比较优势指数(RCA) 5

第四章 数据分析和实证研究 7

4.1中国金融服务贸易近年来总体情况 7

4.2印度金融服务贸易近年来总体情况 8

4.3中印金融服务贸易国际市场占有率比较 8

第五章 中印金融服务贸易影响因素 11

5.1生产要素 11

5.2发展环境和政府政策 11

5.3相关产业和支持性产业的发展 11

5.4金融体系的区别 12

5.5机遇 12

第六章 印度金融服务贸易的发展历史对中国的启发 14

6.1政府大力支持 14

6.2金融监管体系的健全 14

6.3相关产业和支持性产业的发展 14

6.4加大金融服务人才培养力度 14

6.5充分发挥优势抓牢机遇 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪论






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