
 2022-09-23 12:00:41


摘 要


有关用户体验的研究,国外学者已经提出了许多经典的理论和模型。例如James Garrett提出的五层次要素模型、Dhaval Vyas提出的用户体验设计APEC模型以及Peter Morville的用户体验蜂窝图等等。论文首次提出了以聚焦在线客户评论的高频词基础上,以购物流程视角识别出构成B2C用户体验的要素的研究思路。




In recent years, the scale of B2C e-commerce market is growing, the market competition is increasingly fierce, but the level of commodity homogeneity between B2C e-commerce site is also rising, the gap between the technical level is shrinking. In this case, to win the loyalty and trust of users by creating a superior user experience has become the key of B2C business to enhance market competitiveness.

There has a lot of classic theory and model about the study of user experience. For examples, James Garrett's five-tier model, Dhaval Vyas's user experience design APEC model, and Peter Morville's user experience cell map. For the first time, this paper puts forward the research ideas of identifying the elements that make up the B2C user experience from the shopping process perspective based on the high frequency words of online customer reviews.

This paper first determined the B2C shopping website user general purchase procedure through the literature combing and the actual operation analysis , and use the interview method, the literature induction and the online customer comment software to extract the customer comment high frequency word method, to identify the elements that affect the B2C user experience from this angle. After that, through the classification of the relationship between the elements, this paper constructs the B2C shopping site user experience determinants model. In the empirical analysis stage, this paper adopts the method of online questionnaire issuance, collects the user experience and the data of each determinants, and validates the model. Finally, this paper made recommendations on how the domestic B2C platform could optimize the user experience based on the actual data. In this paper, it is found that the interface perception, commodity awareness, payment perception, logistics perception and post-sale perception in B2C users' shopping process have a direct impact on the final user experience, but interactive perception indirectly affects the user experience by influencing the above experience dimensions.

KEY WORDS: user experience, B2C platform, determinants model, e-commerce


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 6

1.1研究背景和意义 6

1.2研究内容和目标 8

1.3研究思路和方法 10

第二章 文献综述 12

2.1 用户体验的内涵及发展 12

2.2国内外研究概述 13

2.1.1用户体验的内容及模型 13

2.1.2用户体验要素的分类 16

2.1.3用户体验流程 17

2.3存在的问题 19

2.4研究趋势 20

第三章 B2C购物网站用户体验要素模型的构建 21

3.1 B2C网站用户购物流程的分析 21

3.2要素的识别与分类 22

3.2.1在线客户评论中的要素提取 22

3.2.2访谈中的要素提取 25

3.2.3文献归纳中的要素提取 26

3.2.4 要素提取结果及关系分类 27

3.3初始模型的构建 28

第四章 模型实证分析 30

4.1问卷设计、发放与数据收集 30

4.2样本结构分析 30

4.3信度与效度分析 35

4.3.1问卷信度分析 35

4.3.2效度分析 36

4.4相关分析 37

4.5探索性因子分析 38

4.6结构模型检验 39

第五章 模型应用与启示 41

5.1模型的应用与价值 41

5.2模型启示 41

第六章 结论 43

6.1主要工作和成果 43

6.2研究局限性和进一步研究方向 44

6.2.1研究局限性 44

6.2.2 研究展望 44

参考文献 45

附录 48

致谢 52


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