
 2022-09-06 09:44:14

1. 研究目的与意义

建筑设计涉及多个专业,传统上各参与方没有较好的方式预测和解决各专业设计间的问题,致使相关问题延伸至施工阶段,而协同设计(collaborative design)被认为是解决这些问题的有效方法。




2. 研究内容和预期目标





3. 研究的方法与步骤

(1)e-ResearchAlso known as e-Science or e-Social Science, it is the harnessing of any digital technology to undertake and promote social research. It thus includes the use of digital technology (principally information and computing technology and the Internet) to undertake research at all stages: data collection, analysis and dissemination, but also, more and more, it is treating the digital sphere as a site of research by examining social interaction in the e-infrastructure. As a way of doing research, e-research is concerned to network across the Internet so that collaboration across distributed teams can be facilitated. It promotes the interoperability and seamless operation of Internet and other digital resource and tools and their scalability to any magnitude (large teams, extreme dispersal or isolation of members, large data sets and diverse kinds of data). Thus it is hoped that new approaches to social research might be developed. (2) Documentary AnalysisDocuments which might be relevant to your research question include industry reports, corporate documentation (written permission to use), Government directives, minutes of meetings, government guidelines/ papers, Parliamentary debates, Parliamentary Select Committee reports and minutes, letters, newspapers, Learning from Experience. Automation in Construction, 2007, 16:28-36.[9]Rosenman M, Wang F. A Component Agent Based Open CAD System for Collaborative Design. Automation in Construction, 2001, 10:383-397.[10] Stephen E, Kirti R. Collaborative Design Management. New York: Routledge, 2013.

5. 计划与进度安排




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