A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Language From a Cultural Perspective开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:02:22

1. 研究目的与意义

There are many cultural differences between different countries. As a result, people in different countries have difficulty in communicating with each other. People have more communicating problems especially in the soundless world. Generally speaking, body Language is an important non-verbal form of communication. The same body language in different cultures may show different meanings. Understanding the different cultural implication of English and Chinese body language can promote people''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s cross-culture communication competence, reinforce the heart-to-heart understanding and in the end will be benefit the communication between English and Chinese people.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The essay focuses on the cultural differences reflected in Chinese and English body language. Speaking of 'Body Language' in a broad sense, there are in English such expressions as body language, body movement, gesture, body behavior, etc. Body language refers to facial expression and body actions used for carrying communicative information. The first chapter is to introduce all kinds of the body language. In addition, it will discuss the importance and necessity of the study. The second chapter is to introduce the overseas and domestic literature review on body language. The third chapter is a contrastive analysis between Chinese and English body language. Besides, their cultural causes will be discussed in this chapter. The last chapter is the conclusion.

3. 国内外研究现状

Speaking of 'Body Language' in a broad sense, there are in English such expressions as body language, body movement, gesture, body behavior, etc. Body language refers to facial expression and body actions used for carrying communicative information. Body language is defined by Foss D. as a reflex or non- reflex action by a part or the whole of the human body applied for exchanging emotions with the external world. Kinesics is a word created by R. Birdwhiste ll after 1952, referring to the study of body language. Since then, a series of researches working on body language have been developed in succession. 'New Webster College Dictionary' defines 'kinesics' as a discipline systematically studying nonverbal body gestures (such as blush, eye contacts etc.) and interpersonal relationship as well. Samovar (1981) said, 'Kinesics is the systematic study of body actions by which these actions or behaviors are formalized and cod-ed.' The study of body language in China began in 1980s.Many modern researchers have developed this study as ascience.

4. 计划与进度安排

chapter 1 introduction

1.1the definition of the body language


5. 参考文献

[1]万瑞芳.体态语的中西文化差异及其根源[n]业技术学院学报.2007,22(2) :



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