Study on dynamic to static conversion in modern poetry translation—taking The Night Watchman and Song of Innocence written by Kuang-chung Yu as examples开题报告

 2022-08-03 09:42:51

1. 研究目的与意义

Translationis the mutual transformation of information between two languages. Certainly,the transformation is not only elementary one of superficial meanings of twolanguages, but involves the implication of many elements including culture,history, and art etc. On the surface, some translation seemed to have beentranslated word for word; however, it always let people down by lack of ease,as a mist over the mountains, which invisible to the naked eyes. In order toauthentically realize faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, as Kuang-chungYu said, translators must be quite knowledgeable and become bilingual, one ofwhich get a glimpse of its beauty, the other is to use it freely. I.e. tomaster the linguistic characteristics of both, for example, to understand thedynamic characteristics of Chinese and the static characteristics of English inEnglish-Chinese translation. Modern poetry translation is different from othertypes of translation, such as narrative, official documents and scientificdocuments. It not only requires to translate rhythms, rhymes and syntaxes, butalso to grasp the themes, images and layouts of texts. Its prose-style languageis even more difficult to translate. Therefore, modern poetry inevitably involves thetransformation of dynamic characteristics of Chinese and static characteristicsof English. As for the differences between Chinese and English, Chinese scholarLian Shuneng mentioned the 'dynamic' characteristics of Chinese andthe 'static' characteristics of English in his book Comparative study of English and Chinese.This study will take Night Watch and Songsof Innocence as examples to explore how Mr. Yu, as a outstandingtranslators, try his best to get a glimpse of the beauty of 'dynamiccharacteristics of Chinese' in the translation of modern poetry and use'static features of English' freely so as to help us master therespective linguistic features of Chinese and English in translation practice,improve the quality of translation, and truly achieve faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance in translation.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. theintroduction of theories on this study.

2. the forms of dynamiccharacteristics of chinese and static characteristics of english in the night watchman and song of innocence.


3. 国内外研究现状

With the increasingly frequent of internationalcommunication in culture, modern poetry as an essential part of cultural, scholarsat home and abroad pay more attention to its translation. Therefore, theymanage to grasp the dynamic characteristics of Chinese and the static characteristicsof English, achieving faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance in modernpoetry translation to get cultural connotation in poetry.

At home, The study of dynamicto static conversion gets more attention. There are lots of translated works,monographs and articles about it in China. In foreign countries, there aresome theories about dynamic to static conversion in translation, such as RandolphQuirk. said in A Grammar of ContemporaryEnglish: Broadly speaking, nounscan be characterized naturally as `stative’ in that they refer to entities thatare regarded as stable…At the opposite pole, verbs can be equally naturallycharacterized as `dynamic''''''''. And Eugene Nida in his book The Theory and Practice of Translation also mentioned the way to translateaccurately.

With the increasingly frequent of internationalcommunication in culture, modern poetry as an essential part of cultural, scholarsat home and abroad pay more attention to its translation. Therefore, theymanage to grasp the dynamic characteristics of Chinese and the static characteristicsof English, achieving faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance in modernpoetry translation to get cultural connotation in poetry.

At home, The study of dynamicto static conversion gets more attention. There are lots of translated works,monographs and articles about it in China. In foreign countries, there aresome theories about dynamic to static conversion in translation, such as RandolphQuirk. said in A Grammar of ContemporaryEnglish: Broadly speaking, nounscan be characterized naturally as `stative’ in that they refer to entities thatare regarded as stable…At the opposite pole, verbs can be equally naturallycharacterized as `dynamic''''''''. And Eugene Nida in his book The Theory and Practice of Translation also mentioned the way to translateaccurately.

4. 计划与进度安排


5. 参考文献

[1]quirk,r.,s.greenbaum,g.leech,j.svartvik.. (1972). a grammar ofcontemporary english[m].essex:longman.

[2] robinson, d. (1997) becoming a translator: an accelerated course.

[3] nida,e.a.,taber.c.. (1982). the theory and practice of translation[m].e.j.brill,leiden.

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